Friday , September 27 2024


MonaLisa Touch Therapy for Vaginal Dryness and Pain

As women age and approach the menopausal years in their late 40’s and early 50’s, estrogen levels rapidly decline. The result is a long list of changes that may affect the woman’s overall health and quality of life. These may include painful vulvar and vaginal dryness with intercourse, urinary frequency and …

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The evolution of cancer treatment over the last 40 years has resulted in better outcomes for patients; today more people are living with cancer than ever before.

Cancer is an illness unlike any other. Many people mistakenly believe that cancer refers to one disease that occurs in many different parts of the body, but, in reality, cancer is not just one disease. The term “cancer” is the general name for a group of over 100 diseases in …

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Is Your Weight Loss Lacking? When to Seek Clinical Help

Weight loss isn’t a quick jaunt; it’s often a very long expedition with many turns, twists, and bumps in the road.  At this time of year, after our New Year’s resolutions have gone by the wayside, we’ve probably lost a few pounds, only to regain them over the past few months. …

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5 Must-Have Amenities For A Florida Summer

It’s summer in Florida once again, and that means sunshine, long days, and relaxation. It also means it’s about to get hot—the average high for Ocala hovers in the low 90s from June til September. Is your home equipped to both beat the heat and help you enjoy it? Here are …

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5 Tips for Getting Relief from Dry Eyes with an Omega-3 Supplement

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Increasing our intake of omega-3 from fish and cod liver oil can be an effective and relatively inexpensive way to help manage dry eye symptoms. Most articles addressing dry eyes mention omega-3 supplements for their anti-inflammatory benefits. And many ophthalmologists and optometrists recommend taking them. There’s good …

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Top Five Tips to Help Save on Health Care Expenses

Over the last 10 years, out-of-pocket health care costs for Americans have more than doubled, with medical expenses now accounting for 8 percent of annual household spending, according to the Consumer Expenditure Figures report. With tax season just behind us, this is an ideal time for you to evaluate your financial …

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Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications. Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling …

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June is cataracts awareness month, focusing attention on a problem affecting roughly 25 million Americans. Though cataracts can happen to people of any age and for a number of causes, they are most often associated with aging. Cataracts typically start to form when people are in their 40s and 50s, …

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By Candice R. Taylor, MSN, BSN, RN – Sepsis Coordinator, Ocala Health Why do I need to know about sepsis?   Sepsis has become the world’s #3 killer! It is known to cause more deaths in the U.S. than AIDS, prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. As incredible as this …

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InterCommunity Cancer Center Offers Tips for Caregivers

When cancer occurs, the patient’s loved ones and friends must also come to grips with the emotional issues surrounding the disease. Additionally, one of them may need to step forward and assume the role of caregiver―a challenging job that can be extremely demanding at times. Today 80 percent of all cancer …

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