Friday , September 27 2024


“Save a limb. Save a life.”

Limbstitute Comprehensive Vein Care and Limb Salvage The statistics are staggering: Almost one of every 200 Americans has suffered an amputation — about 97 percent of those to a lower limb. The real tragedy? Many of those losses could have been avoided with swift and adequate intervention. Simply put, the …

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InterCommunity Cancer Centers and Institute Spotlights New Prostate Screening Guidelines and High-Tech Radiation Treatments for Prostate Cancer

With the advent of sophisticated technologies, the fight against prostate cancer has become highly advanced with its technological capabilities and precise delivery of radiation to tumor sites. However, even the most advanced technologies are rendered obsolete if your prostate cancer is not detected early. September is “National Prostate Cancer Awareness …

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Replenish Your Joints with Proven *Exclusive Ingredients

Liquid BioCell™ Life is a delicious liquid nutraceutical that pro- motes healthy aging, active joints, and younger-looking skin. It pro- vides a unique and proprietary combination of science-substantiated ingreedients and antioxidant-rich phytonutrients that synergistically support a healthier life. Only Liquid BioCell™ Life contains multi-patented Liquid BioCell™, containing constituents such as …

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Test Your Ovarian Cancer Knowledge

Ovarian Cancer Quiz—True or False? 1. Ovarian cancer can be detected by a Pap test. 2. Ovarian cancer is usually detected at already advanced stages. 3. Most people who develop ovarian cancer have a family history of ovarian cancer. 4. Birth control pills reduce the risk for developing ovarian cancer. 5. …

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Help Your Kids Maintain a Healthy Energy Balance

As adults, parents and grandparents, we want our children to get good educations. To have friends and successful careers. To be happy, safe and secure. To build a firm spiritual foundation. For them to contribute to society. Above all else, we want them to enjoy the good health that makes …

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A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls

Falls are one of the most serious health risks for older adults. They are not only the leading cause of injury-related deaths in this population, but they are also a significant cause of disability. In fact, falls cause ten percent of all emergency department visits and more than half of …

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How To Have And Enjoy Self-Respect

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Just the other day my son was  packing up to move in to his apartment near the college he is attending. This is his senior year. As we were talking about his final year and classes, he became visibly frustrated. …

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Take Pain and Stress to The Mat

If someone told you that you could relieve that stiff back, those nagging joint pains and reduce stress while you were at it and all you had to do was lay down for a while—what would you say? Odds are it’s either, “Sign me up!” or “I don’t believe it.” …

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Remove Unsightly and Painful Varicose Veins Using Laser Technology

By Tom Tran PA-C, MPAs, NCCPA Surgery Board Certified Various statistics indicate that more that 50% of the people in United Sates are affected by the vein problem called varicose veins. When blood is pumped in the body against gravity, the veins become enlarged due to the backflow of blood. …

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Challenging the Status Quo with Stem Cells

By Cara Tompot, Staff Writer Looking back on history, we remember a time when women didn’t have the rights that they do now. Prior to 1919, women didn’t have any way to express their thoughts and desires through public policy. Thanks to first-wave feminists questioning the status quo, 1920 marked …

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