Friday , September 27 2024


Detecting Diabetes in the Dental Chair

By Village Dental – More than 26 million U.S. adults have diabetes. However, as much as 20 percent of these cases go undiagnosed, according to the American Diabetes Association. Allowing the condition to progress untreated may lead to a lower quality of life and other health complications. Oral complications are …

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Understanding Diabetes and Obesity – Could A New Weight Loss Drug Help Type 2 Diabetics?

It’s no secret that obesity and type 2 diabetes go hand and hand, and sadly our communities are seeing a dramatic rise in both areas.  To combat the growing health concern local physicians are using a new weight loss program to help patients not only manage their chronic illness, but …

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NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH – InterCommunity Cancer Centers and Institute Spotlights Risk Factors, Prevention and High-Tech Radiation Treatments for Lung Cancer

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that in 2014 there were 224,210 new cases of lung cancer and 159,480 deaths, accounting for about 27% of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer death in American men and women. Although tobacco smoking is the main …

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You Are NOT Ready to Throw in the Towel!

Have you ever thought about how many years you have left in your life?  80 and 90 year olds that are enjoying active lives are on the rise.  That is great news!  Do you ever wonder how many 80 and 90 year olds had active lives 50 years ago?  Not …

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5 Quick Tricks for Pain Relief When pain gets you down, try these quick and easy tricks for relief.

NOTICE Notice your thoughts about your pain by taking a moment to get quiet. Close your eyes and listen to your internal monologue. What are you saying to yourself? Try writing down your thoughts or speaking them into a recording device so you can reference those thoughts later. Then determine …

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Understanding Pelvic Prolapse

By Uzoma Nwaubani, MD, FACOG The problem of female incontinence and female Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is as old as humanity itself. Sadly, however, it remains hugely under reported. Just the fact that one is of the female gender is in itself a risk factor. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, …

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Venous Insufficiency – Often the Underlying Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome

By Tom Tran PA-C, MPAs, NCCPA Surgery Board Certified – Venous insufficiency not only causes varicose veins, it can be the underlying cause for a plethora conditions, including lower extremity cellulitis, leg cramps and restless legs syndrome. When patients present with venous insufficiency symptoms, physicians often only check some of …

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Diabetic? Know Anyone Who Is?

Well, Bruce Hancock, a Certified Pedorthist, would like to explain how he can help, with little to no out of pocket cost to you… By Bruce Hancock, Certified Pedorthist – In 1995, Congress amended Medicare statutes to provide reimbursement for shoes and orthotics for people who suffer from diabetes under …

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Heel Pain

By Richard S. Benjamin, DPM – The heel bone is the largest of the 26 bones in the human foot, which also has 33 joints and a network of more than  100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Like all bones, it is subject to outside influences that can affect its integrity …

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November is Diabetes Awareness Month STARx Pharmacy Reminds Diabetics of the Importance of Taking the Right Medicine at the Right Time, Every Time.

“Drugs don’t work in people who don’t take them.” ~ C. Everett Koop, 1985, Former U.S. Surgeon General Medication Errors harm at least 1.5 million people every year. 32 million Americans are taking 3 or more medications daily and nearly 3 out of 4 Americans do not take their medications …

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