Friday , September 27 2024


Interleukin-6: The Inflammation Marker You Need to Know


By Bo Martinsen, MD By now, most people have learned that surviving COVID-19 often comes down to having a well-performing immune system. But how do you know if your immune system is in good shape? New research shows that interleukin levels may be one of the strongest predictors of future health …

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Cervical Cancers on the Decline

Several advancements in recent years are helping more women beat cervical, uterine, ovarian, and other gynecologic cancers, which occur in the reproductive organs. Each year in the United States, 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Once one of the most common causes of cancer deaths among women, cervical cancer’s …

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Love Really is in the Air

Love Really is in the Air

By Ginger Lettelleir An ideal Valentine’s Day isn’t just about sipping champagne in a romantic restaurant. It’s not about red roses and chocolates either. It’s about sharing the idea of romance and showing how much, you care to that special someone in your life. Why not treat your love to …

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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Amniotic, Placental, and Umbilical “Stem Cells”

Stem Cells

By Regenexx Tampa Bay, Regenerative Medicine Utilizing birth tissues to harvest stem cells for orthopedic and other areas of medicine is an exciting topic. However, there are currently no FDA-approved uses for allogeneic (coming from someone else) stem cell products other than cord blood or bone marrow transplantations after certain …

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ED: Getting Treatment Early is Best, but it’s NEVER too Late Don’t Just Mask your Symptoms


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is deeply related to vascular health. Many men that begin to experience ED have little idea that they need to treat the arteriosclerosis in the penis as well as in their body. Most standard medical practitioners will start a man on the “little blue pill,” but this only …

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Improve Your Health with a Buddy

Improve Your Health with a Buddy

You’ve been diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Now what? In most cases we get sick and eventually recover, but it’s different with a chronic diagnosis such as diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease. Your constant tiredness, discomfort or pain may not always be understood by others. The limits on lifestyle …

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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do – But It Can Make You Grow!

Breaking Up

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Ever noticed how people who’ve gone through a breakup often change their hair style? Well, if you’re like a lot of people, you may be more than happy to have “broken up” with 2021. And that makes this the perfect time to change – …

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What Most People Don’t Know About Health Imaging Exams

Health Imaging Exams

Millions of radiology exams are performed in the US every year, each telling a unique and important story. From simple x-rays to complex nuclear medicine studies, radiology plays a critical role in diagnosing diseases and disorders, planning effective therapy, and even replacing open surgery with safer, less invasive treatment. The …

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Make Your Healthcare Decisions a Priority in the New Year

Healthcare Decisions

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County At the beginning of each year, many people make New Year’s resolutions, some include making healthier decisions about their diet, while others are about exercising or improving family relationships and more. Some are kept and some not so much. There’s one resolution that’s easy …

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Routine Eye Exams the Key to Catching Glaucoma & Other Diseases

Routine Eye Exams

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, focusing attention on a stealthy set of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve, a central part of clear vision. In most glaucoma cases, excessive pressure within the eye degrades crucial nerve fibers, distorting vision and leading to total blindness in serious cases. “Glaucoma is …

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