Wednesday , July 3 2024



Each October, a diversity of organizations, businesses and individuals take part in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to heighten public knowledge about the symptoms and treatment of this disease. Why the focus on breast cancer, and why does it have its own awareness month? One reason is because breast cancer …

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Have you been prescribed a statin?

Learn what the FDA has to say about these medications. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who take statins to prevent heart disease, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released important new safety information earlier this summer on these cholesterol-lowering medications. The FDA has advised consumers and health …

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Understanding the need for personal financial oversight Caregiving involves more than just providing assistance with medical problems. It also includes helping your loved ones manage his or her finances to ensure that he or she will be able to pay for needed care and live more comfortably.  Often times, these …

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Ready to Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins? Know the facts.

Varicose veins can be a source of genuine physical and emotional discomfort. The good news is there are several safe, effective and lasting ways to get rid of unsightly and painful varicose veins without surgery. The bad news is that many marginally-trained “experts” have popped up to address the growing …

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Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

According to experts, the highest crime rate of the year is during the holiday season. Consider the following safety tips this shopping season to better protect yourself: Leave your purse at home. Take a small amount of money or 1 credit card with you and your ID. Place these items …

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“Bringing Charitable Giving into your Estate Plan.”

Each year, as the holidays approach and the year comes to a close, the spirit of the season calls us into action to help those in need. For those fortunate enough to give to others, there may be advantages in addition to the altruistic and goodwill benefits. By incorporating charitable …

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The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of good cheer, parties and family gatherings, but it is not unusual for many of us to feel sad, lonely or even anxious during the holidays. This condition, which has come to be called “holiday blues,” can occur with any holiday …

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The Gift Of Joyful Thought

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church My Uncle Mutt always smiled. His real first name was Eugene, but everyone called him Mutt. Late at night, sitting around a pot of Maxwell House coffee, my Dad and Uncle Mutt would tell jokes and “side splitting” hunting and …

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Not ready for surgery? New Non-Surgical Options to Permanently Alleviate Pain and Improve Movement!

By Craig Chappell, DO Whether you are a professional athlete, a sports minded student, a tri-athlete or an active adult, Dr. Chappell specializes in activity related injuries and nonsurgical orthopedics. Dr. Chappell provides treatment for the following conditions: • Sports Injuries • Chronic Pain • Overuse injuries (tendonitis, plantar fasciitis,  …

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Don't Forget Your Test – New Technology Reminds Patients to Get Important Diagnostics

By Dr. Harvey Kaufman, Senior Medical Director, Quest Diagnostics, the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information services. Three quarters of healthcare costs in the U.S. are attributed to management of chronic diseases. To a large extent, this is because chronic diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, are prevalent. For …

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