Wednesday , July 3 2024


Harmful UV Rays Can Cause Cancers To Form In The Eyes

It’s a rare diagnosis, but if your eyes are constantly exposed to UV radiation, your chances of getting a melanoma in the eye are greatly increased. Ocular melanoma tumor cases are uncommon, but about 2,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Living in Florida, we need to be especially conscientious about …

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Flu Fact or Fiction?

By Xinmeng Zhao, DO Specializing in Internal Medicine Every flu season as many as 20 percent of Americans get sick with a virus that causes seriously uncomfortable, even lethal complications. Getting vaccinated is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from a totally avoidable illness. While we don’t …

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Foot & Ankle Pain: Ignoring Your Symptoms Could Cause More Damage

More than 75% of people in the United States will experience foot disorders. A large percentage of these individuals are in the aging population, but other factors can contribute to foot pain, like standing on your feet for extended periods of time, ill-fitting shoes, hereditary and genetic disorders, excessive exercise, …

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The Potential of Omega-3 Plus Melatonin in Breast Cancer Therapy

By Bo Martinsen, MD October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to reflect on these statistics, provided by the American Cancer Society: . Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. . More than 260,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be …

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Wellness from the Inside Out vs. Outside In

By Dr. Paul Bruce A wellness approach to health is focusing on the underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption within the body and making interventions and lifestyle adjustments that optimize the conditions for normal function. The main difference between wellness care and standard conventional medical care is that wellness …

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Contemplating Cannabis

By Robert C. Goethe, MD Less than a year ago, I quit my anesthesia job and started Better Health (now Dr. Bob’s) Compassion Clinic. I have become more convinced than ever before that this phenomena of medical cannabis is helping many, many, Floridians and is only going to get bigger. The …

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National Physical Therapy Month

Physical therapy is the leading way to relieve pain and discomfort at its core for many individuals. Therapeutic manual stretching and exercising provide real results in controlling pain for countless patients. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) also launched new guidelines recently, recommending the use of physical therapy …

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Glyphosate(Roundup): Pathway to Modern Diseases

By Douglas C. Hall, M.D., GYN, and Functional Medicine Specialist Is the soil making you sick? Ask yourself the following question: Do you suffer from bloating, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, acid reflux, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, thyroid disorders, IBS, Celiac disease, hormonal imbalance, skin disorders, Parkinson’s, cognitive decline or other …

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Cardiac Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy

October is National Physical Therapy Awareness Month, but we rarely think of therapy as an aftercare option for our heart disorders. If you’ve suffered from a heart attack, heart disease, or have had a cardiac procedure than you could greatly benefit from cardiac rehabilitative therapy. Cardiac Rehabilitation Details Therapeutic rehab …

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Behind Closed Doors

Domestic violence happens when someone is trying to intimidate you with power and control. It has no boundaries. Domestic violence happens at all levels of income, status, and race. Your neighbor, your child’s schoolteacher, your nurse, your workout companion, or your coworker might be under abuse. It happens in gated …

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