Wednesday , July 3 2024


Lakeland Regional Health Selects Reliance Medical Centers For New Initiative In Delivering Exceptional Value-Based Care For Breast Cancer Patients

The concept of value-based care was first made known in 2006 in a book published by Michael Porter titled “Redefining the Healthcare System.” Since then, value-based care programs have been introduced across the country; however, the challenge lies with healthcare providers. There are still many healthcare providers who have not …

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One of the hardest things to accept in life is the changes we experience as we get older – and it is not only scary for the person experiencing these changes, but it’s hard to measure the damage done to those closest to the person affected. We’ve already touched on …

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Micropigmentation: the alternative choice that delivers cosmetic results when everything else fails Alopecia treatment

(Part I) What exactly is alopecia? Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss that might be related to natural causes (generally due to hereditary factors and aging), or to a medical disorder (specific diseases or medication intake). Regardless of the cause, alopecia is a condition that has cosmetic consequences …

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What Happens After a Hair Transplant?

By Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS While patients report undergoing a hair transplant as a life changing experience that restores their confidence and youthfulness and improves their quality of life, it is important to understand that the change doesn’t happen overnight. Results take time and treating hair loss successfully for …

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THE LEMON – The University of Natural Healing

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health& Wellness Innovator At the very beginning of any kind of illness there is a breakdown of the liver. One of the livers functions is to produce six billion types of enzymes and it is these various enzymes that supply the raw materials used by …

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Check With Your Doctor About Your Need for a Colonoscopy

The Screening Age Has Been Lowered for Those At Risk Getting a colonoscopy was something you usually didn’t have to worry about until you turned 50, but the American Cancer Society has altered their recommendation for a first-time colon cancer screening to age 45 for those at risk of cancer. …

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The Strawberry Inch-Loss Laser: Your Answer to Losing Inches

What is the Strawberry Inch-Loss Laser? The Strawberry Inch-Loss treatment is a non-invasive, painless way to reduce fat and inches. This amazing treatment was discovered by chance in England. Researchers were testing these low-level lasers for chronic pain. Surprisingly, they noticed that all of the participants in the study were …

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Prevention and treatment of shoulder injuries in weight training

By Anthony Pribila, PT, DSc, CMPT, CMP, CEAS The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and frequently prone to injury during weight training. Unfortunately, the shoulder’s incredible mobility is sacrificed for stability, making injury a possibility. Shoulder injuries frequently result from sports that involve excessive sudden resistance …

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Don’t Just Spend, Invest in Skin Care

I’m going to be bold and bet you my lunch money that you have heard numerous times in your life that the skin is a VERY important organ regarding health, wellbeing and beauty. If you haven’t, welcome to planet earth! My point is, considering that the skin care industry represents …

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Healthy Diets Support Healthy Hearing

By Kevin T Barlow, AuD Treatment for hearing loss comes in many forms, including the well-known use of hearing aids. Now a wealth of information from recent studies has suggested that adding specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to patients’ diets may head off the need for such devices later in …

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