Wednesday , July 3 2024


Permanent Makeup 101: What you should know before getting yours – Part III

This is the last article of the Permanent Makeup 101 introductory series that has been developing through the previous articles. This purpose of this series is to provide information on this subject and also provide guidance for choosing a permanent makeup artist. A very important factor to consider when choosing …

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Carlos Romero MD on the benefit of Care Focus Teams

As one of the architects of the ‘Care Focus Team’ approach to senior healthcare, we talk to Carlos Romero MD, CEO of Reliance Medical Centers, to find out how having a Care Focus Team led by a Primary Care Physician benefits patients. Q: “Can you tell me what a Care …

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Bauman “TURBO” LaserCap Sheds New Light on Thinning Hair

Laser therapy has been shedding light on hair loss and promoting hair regrowth since the 1960’s and has in recent years become a go-to treatment for hair restoration physicians. The newest weapon in the arsenal comes 10 years after the release of the first LaserCap device, a portable hands-free FDA-cleared …

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Want Bunion Treatment that Lasts? An Advanced 3D Surgical Treatment Gets to the Root Cause & Eliminates Recurrence

A form of arthritis can cause painful, red, boney, growths; consequently, bunions can also be hereditary and run in families, especially in females, generation after generation. More women than men experience the painful boney growth on their big toe, known as a bunion, or Hallux Valgus. One of the leading …

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Our children are OUR CHILDREN! no matter how old they are. We – parents carry this psychological-emotional role and parents-children bond even when our children are grown up, are independent, already left the home nest, and physically, are far away. We are happy with their happiness, achievement and success, and …

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Introducing the Emsella Chair… The Latest Breakthrough Treatment for Female Urinary Incontinence

In the past, treatments for female urinary incontinence included medications, embarrassing procedures, even surgery. In May 2018, the FDA cleared the Emsella Chair as the newest, most powerful treatment for this debilitating condition. The Emsella chair is the first device of it’s kind for treating urinary incontinence and vaginal laxity …

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Bring a Companion to Your Hearing Evaluation

Presented by Kevin T. Barlow, Aud.D., Doctor of Audiology Written by: Dana Luzon Coveney, Au.D, FAAA As an audiologist, it is my job not only to diagnose a hearing problem, but to figure out what are the biggest struggles each patient has in their everyday life. Hearing loss is often …

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Permanent Makeup 101: What you should know before getting yours – PARTII

In Part I we discussed the definition and essentials of PMU, its historical development, the advantages and aspects to be considered before planning any PMU procedure. In Part II we continue to answer these important questions to help you to make an informed decision about the procedure that you wish …

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Missing Links to resolving knee pain

By Anthony Pribila, PT, DSc, CMPT, CMP, CEAS Having strong and mobile knees are an important part of daily function. Your knees help cushion and take weight off the hips and spine. Your knees make it possible for you to squat to and from a chair, use a toilet, get …

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An Easy Fix for Flat Foot

Those suffering from flat feet know how problematic it can be throughout life. The key to mitigating a life of problems is early recognition & treatment. A parent’s suspicion of flat feet often begins when their children begin to walk. However, all children’s feet are pudgy at birth and through …

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