Wednesday , March 12 2025

Common Eye Conditions What They Are and How to Treat Them

Common Eye Conditions What They Are and How to Treat ThemWe use our eyes for nearly everything we do, so when we encounter vision problems or eye discomfort, we want rapid, effective solutions, the kind you’ll find at Lake Eye Associates.
One of the most common and uncomfortable conditions is chronic dry eye, which causes nearly 30 million Americans to experience recurring dryness, grittiness, burning, stinging, redness, excess tearing and/or stringy mucus. Dry eye can affect people of any age, but occurs more often as people get older and tear production slows or the glands that keep eyes moist become blocked.
Dry eye can be easily diagnosed by your Board-certified Lake Eye ophthalmologist, who will assess the cause and severity and recommend the appropriate treatment to help keep your eyes moist, clear and comfortable.
Mild cases may be treated using specific nutritional supplements, prescription eye drops and special cleansers. More severe cases are typically caused by a disorder called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or MGD, in which the glands in the eyelids that maintain lubrication become blocked. Lake Eye utilizes LipiFlow®, the most advanced MGD treatment system ever created, for lasting, drug- and surgery-
free therapy that can greatly reduce or eliminate the need for eye drops for up to 24 months. LipiFlow® provides a combination of heat and gentle massage to help unclog the Meibomian glands so they function better, delivering more than just a relief of symptoms, but also lasting treatment of the disease itself.
Another common problem is floaters, which are normally tiny specs of collagen that clump together inside the vitreous, causing shadows that are perceived as grayish strings, dots or cobwebs within your field of vision. Floaters are common as we age, especially among people who are nearsighted, have diabetes, or have had eye surgery or injury. Almost as common is something called flashes, in which bolts or sparks of light appear out of nowhere. Flashes are caused by the vitreous gel within the eye pulling away from or rubbing against the retina. Though most floaters and flashes are usually harmless, they can also signify a detached or torn retina, which, left untreated, can be quite serious, so if you experience any new floaters or flashes, see your ophthalmologist right away to help prevent potential vision loss.
By far the most common vision problem is a refractive disorder, a clinical name for what we know as blurred vision. Caused by a change in the shape of the eyeball, refractive disorders produce nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Most refractive errors can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. For this, you’ll find everything you need for the right prescription and fashion-forward styles at Precision Optics, at every Lake Eye location.
Keep your eyes healthy, comfortable and clear with help from the friendly, experienced and trusted professionals of Lake Eye. Because you and your eyes deserve the best.
Lake Eye Associates

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