Monday , February 17 2025


Are you one of the many people who have problems with joint mobility or joint discomfort?

HOW TO NATURALLY INCREASE JOINT MOBILITYMost people, including doctors, do not believe that diet and the right supplements can have such a profound effect on our joints, skin, and connective tissue despite the accumulating research. There is a huge gap between the tremendous complexity of the human organism and the rudimentary data on which doctors now base diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

In this article I review the most common methods recommended by doctors and other medical professionals to deal with joint discomfort. Why not be proactive about our own general health? Why not learn how to prevent or reverse your problems without waiting for symptoms to show up?

Joint mobility and joint discomfort are very common problems. One national study reported that about one-third of adults have a problem with one or more joints.
Knee pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain, but joint pain can affect any part of your body, from your ankles and feet to your shoulders and hands.

As you get older, painful joints become increasingly more common. To understand why it happens we need to know how the joints work.

Joints are movable connections between two bones. The joint surfaces of the bones are covered with a layer of cartilage.

This layer is between 0.2 and 0.5 mm thick, and up to 6 mm thick on the kneecap. The articular surfaces are separated by a very thin space called the synovial cavity.

The joint capsule seals the joint airtight from outside. Cells of the inner joint capsule layer produce synovial fluid.

This thick fluid nourishes the cartilage, makes sure that the surfaces of the joint glide smoothly over one another, and acts as a shock absorber by spreading out the pressure put on the joint.
Human Articular cartilage is built from Collagen Type 2 (10-20%), Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulfate and Keratin Sulfate (1-20%), Chondrocytes (1-5%) and water (75 – 80%).

The reason is that the joints, connective tissues and the rest of the body are effectively drying out with age. The level of synovial fluid, which is built mainly from hyaluronic acid, is slowly being reduced; the cartilage becomes brittle, then thins and loses elasticity.

The result is the common “bone to bone” sensation. Moreover, articular cartilage (the specific cartilage found in joints) does not have a blood supply.

Rather it gets its oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding joint synovial fluid. When the joint fluid dries out, there is a very limited supply of nutrients to our joints.

Why Can’t Collagen and
HA Be Replenished From Food?
Today’s processed foods often lack the natural nutrients the body requires for efficient functioning.

The body requires correct proportions and molecular weights of Collagen 2, Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin Sulfate in order for them to be absorbed and integrated into the body’s chemical functioning. If the body does not absorb and integrate a supplement, it simply passes through the digestive system and is eliminated.

Absorption is the key factor, however, naturally occurring molecules of the collagen and HA are too large and heavy for the body to absorb. They simply are eliminated in the digestive process. It is not what we take, but what our body can absorb that counts.

An Innovative, Clinically-Tested
Solution for Joint Health
Finally, recently a new collagen source for rebuilding joints, bones, skin and connective tissue has been discovered. Its efficiency has been proven in randomized, double-blind placebo control clinical studies.

The results are so unique that it has been awarded 7 US and International Patents. There are no other products, even pharmaceutical ones that have shown similar results.

It is manufactured in the USA in an NSF, NSF-Sport, CLP/GMP and OTP certified facility.

It is a total breakthrough
It is clinically proven to improve joint mobility, reduce discomfort and promote healthy cartilage and connective tissue and… as a side-effect, it hydrates your skin, repairs tissue and reduces wrinkles and deep lines from the inside-out without injections, surgeries or creams. It also disables hyaluronidase, a substance that destroys hyaluronic acid in your body.

It helps all joints and connective tissues in the body including the eyes, gums, skin, nails, and hair.

The best way to avoid joint discomfort is to prevent it. You can do this with proper nutrition, supplementation, and moderate exercise.

When we lose HA, we lose synovial fluid in our joints and our cartilage starts to deteriorate. To prevent this, we should start using supplements even before we start to feel discomfort.

Once the joints start to hurt, and we try to control the pain through medications or injections. This may lead to greater deterioration.
Fixing one joint by using stem cells, platelet-rich plasma or a cartilage transplant technique can help but it will not solve the problem. We still need to provide the right nutrients to our body so that other joints and connective tissues remain healthy.
Joint replacement is an invasive treatment and it is not always successful. It should be considered as a last resort when everything else fails.

Even after surgery, we should replenish missing nutritional ingredients through proper supplementation to make sure that other parts of the body and connective tissues will not deteriorate.

Choosing the correct supplementation is essential since it is not what we take, but what our body absorbs which is important.

It’s also better to take them in a liquid form and best if they do not need to go through the digestive system, rather that they are absorbed directly starting from underneath the tongue and the mucosa of the mouth into the bloodstream.

For a free health coaching assessment and recommendations on what would work best for your unique body type, please contact
Dr. Grazyna Pajunen or Tony Pajunen at
Health and Wellness Enterprises, LLC.

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