Wednesday , March 12 2025

Painful Nerve Damage: How One Patient’s Story Helps Another Find Relief

Treating Shoulder Pain Successfully with Radiofrequency

Painful Nerve DamagePaula Sharper and her husband had just recently moved to Florida, and she had been dealing with ongoing shoulder pain for a long time, which seemed to be getting worse. Paula was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis of the AC joint (acromioclavicular joint) in the shoulder.

Paula told us that the pain was excruciating, keeping her up all night and disrupting her daily activities, including driving. While she was in the waiting room of another physician for her pain, she read an article about Dr. Sunil Panchal and how he helped a woman with chronic pain become pain-free.

When Paula left the office, she immediately called Dr. Panchal and scheduled an appointment.

Paula explained, “Dr. Panchal is an amazing doctor and a great person. He takes a lot of time and listens to you. He explains everything in detail, and he pinpoints exactly where the pain is stemming from and what is the best option for you specifically.”

She continued, “I’ve been to many doctors over the years, and it’s rare to find a physician that is not only a great doctor but also a kind, genuine person that cares about you. My procedure with Nerve Blocks and Radiofrequency was terrific. I immediately had pain relief. My shoulder no longer hurts at all. I’m back to living a normal routine for the most part.

“Dr. Panchal explained that this is a process. He likes to take things in steps, so we are doing the radiofrequency first, and then if later on my pain starts to return and I need additional regenerative medicine such as stem cell therapy, we will go from there. For now, I’m ecstatic about my pain relief. I would recommend Dr. Panchal to anyone that is in pain.”

“It’s impressive that so many patients and peers speak so highly of Dr. Panchal. At the surgical center, the staff and medical practitioners are very fond of him and his work. Everyone you talk to says what a kind and talented physician he is as well. Medicine shouldn’t just be about temporary fixes, it should be about treating the cause and helping people find solutions. That’s what Dr. Panchal offers his patients.”

Surgery is Not Always the Answer
Many people are familiar with radiofrequency ablation for lower back pain, but they don’t realize that it can be used for other areas of the body. With shoulder pain, whether due to osteoarthritis or injury, many people believe or have been told that surgery is the only solution.

Minimally invasive procedures like radiofrequency and nerve blocks offer remarkable results in long-term pain relief.

Nerve Blocks and Radio Frequency
Nerve Blocks are numbing medications that are injected into the area that is causing pain. In conjunction to nerve blocks, Dr. Panchal uses an advanced procedure called Radiofrequency (RF).

With RF ablation treatments, the nerves that are damaged, narrowed, or impinged, are injected with a low-level of localized heat, causing the nerve to stop sending signals to our brain through an interruption in the nerve conduction. This procedure is entirely safe and effective. It has been used for many years with long-lasting results for people suffering from nerve back pain.

Regenerative Medicine
For neuropathic pain, regenerative medicine is also highly effective treatment for relieving pain and regenerating tissue naturally. These options include PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Bone Marrow Aspirations, Lipid Aspirations and exosomes.

More on Exosomes
Always on the leading edge of innovative procedures, Dr. Panchal adds exosomes into his stem cell treatment. Exosomes are produced from the plasma membranes of cells and are best explained as extracellular vesicles. Exosomes are nano-sized particles that are released due to an immune response. Some medical professionals are reporting that they are more regenerative and effective than stem cells. Because they act as intracellular communication messengers within the body and have the ability to move between multiple cells, they are also incredibly useful when paired with stem cell therapy.

Dr. Sunil Panchal
Although surgery is critical in certain situations, finding alternative methods to treat the underlying condition is always the first step. The National Institute of Pain is a state-of-the-art facility that specializes in the treatment of spine and orthopedic conditions, as well as acute and chronic pain management. They provide the utmost quality of care for patients to address the problem directly, and if needed, provide for their pain management needs.

At the National Institute of Spine and Pain, they treat each patient individually, using the latest equipment and various innovative procedures to diagnose pain and determine your care needs. The National Institute of Spine and Pain’s President and Founder, Sunil J. Panchal, MD, is a board-certified interventional pain/ minimally invasive spine physician.

At National Institute of Spine and Pain, their goal is to strive to deliver the highest quality of comprehensive care for those who are suffering from spine, joint, and nerve injuries. They have many alternatives to help you with your personalized treatment needs. Please visit their website at, or call them at (813) 264-PAIN (7246).

The National Institute of Spine and Pain

4911 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, FL 33558
10740 Palm River Rd, Suite 490, Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 264-PAIN (7246)








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