Monday , February 17 2025

Why Do I Hear….But Not Understand? Study by Cambridge University in England Reveals Key Answers

Until recently, there was no practical way to identify dead regions of hearing cells in the ear.  However, a new British developed procedure using standard test equipment allows for identifications of dead hearing cell regions. The study suggests that the presence or absence of dead regions may have serious implications in the fitting of hearing aids.
The research reveals that amplifying dead cells in the middle ear is a mistake which will result in poorer speech understanding in noise.  A new type of digitally programmable microcircuit is now being released from Audibel – the world leader in nanoscience technology – that can be programmed to bypass dead cells.  As a result, the patients good hearing cells receive amplification, thereby improving speech understanding.
We are able to achieve maximum speech understanding frequency shaping this new hearing aid.  The results have been phenomenal.  The new products come in all shell sizes, including the smallest digital models.  During its release, Audibel Hearing Centers is offering this new frequency – shaping  hearing instrument on a 30-Day satisfaction trial.  Your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed.
It is estimated that over 12% of the population of the United States suffers from hearing loss which is roughly about 38 million people.  Unfortunately, half of those people are left with hearing loss that goes untreated with the average person waiting 7 years before receiving treatment.
1. You hear but have trouble understanding all the
words in a conversation, especially in a crowd.
2. You often ask people to repeat themselves.
3. You find telephone conversation increasingly
4. Family complains you play the radio or TV
too loud.
5. You experience ringing in your ears
1. Most hearing problems develop gradually.
2. Most people with hearing difficulties can
benefit from hearing aids.
3. Hearing keeps us in contact with life.
4. There is a definite link between hearing loss
and dementia.
“There is strong evidence that hearing impairment contributes to the progression of cognitive dysfunction in older adults,” says Sergei Kochkin, PhD, Better Hearing Institute’s Executive Director.  “Unmanaged hearing loss can interrupt the cognitive processing of spoken language and sound, exhaust cognitive reserve, and lead to social isolation – regardless of other coexisting conditions.
While the ear picks up and transmits the sounds around us, it is the brain that decodes and processes the signals and gives them meaning.  When hearing loss is present, the presentation of sound to the brain receives less sound, it “forgets” what to do with the sound.  A simple hearing test could preserve the ability of their brain to understand speech, limit their exposure to possible depression and keep them actively, happily engaged in life.
We provide a comprehensive hearing evaluation to determine if your hearing loss is simply caused by wax build-up or if you require assistance from a hearing aid to improve the clarity of what you hear.
Home or facility visits available!
The Audibel Brand was born in 2000 from a small group of dedicated specialists and Bill Austin, the founder of Starkey, who is currently the largest hearing aid manufacturer in the United States, and among the top six manufacturers in the world.  Since then, Audibel has grown to over 2000 offices nationwide.  In 2011, Audibel introduced the first truly wireless system of hearing aids which not only offers benefits of clearer sound and more noise reduction, but also allows the wearer to stream their favorite media directly to their hearing aids without an extra attachment such as the television or even cell phone calls.
20170 E.Pennsylvania Ave.
(352) 789-1559
2400 SW College Rd.
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(352) 873-0034
The Villages
1578 Bella Cruz Dr.
(352) 750-2005

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