Friday , September 27 2024


Can You Really Freeze Away Fat From Your Problem Areas?

Dr. Dana Coberly Our schedules are packed; we have events, holiday preparations, meetings, kid’s after school activities, and the list goes on and on. We want to look our best, feel energized and let’s not forget that we’re all attempting to stave off the flu virus this season. However, we often …

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Chronic Sinus Infections? What Do ENT Specialists Recommend?

By Michael Branch, MD Many people will get a cold (URI) about 1-2 times per year. The symptoms include acute onset of nasal/head con gestion, sore throat and cough slowly improving by about 7-10 days. Unfortunately, there’s an epidemic overuse of antibiotics prescribed for what are actually self-limiting viral infections, …

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South Tampa’s Newest Hi-Tech Physical Therapy Office – NOW OPEN

By Jason Waz, President of Competitive Edge Physical Therapy The Physical Therapy Office of Tomorrow: What You Need to Know… Competitive Edge Performance is not the normal run of the mill physical therapy practice. In fact, they are entrepreneurs, innovators and pioneers in the physical therapy market. Over the past …

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Want to Gift Yourself this Season? An In-Office Gynecological Procedure can Help to Turn Back the Clock!

The holiday season brings joy by celebrating with family and friends, holiday parties, special events and gift giving, but alongside of all of the “Fa La La” often comes a bit of stress, over-indulgence and anxiety. It’s important to try and take time out for yourself to destress. Don’t forget about …

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Advanced Regenerative Medicine is Gaining Attention in Spine and Sports Medicine

Within the medical community, a cutting-edge treatment is proving to have exemplary results for its regenerative effects. Exosomes are produced from the plasma membranes of cells and are best explained as extracellular vesicles. Exosomes are nanosized particles that are released due to an immune response. Some medical professionals are reporting …

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Did You Know Individuals With Hearing Loss Can Feel Left Out Over the Holiday Season?

Dr. Kelly Hansen, Au.D. The holidays are a time well spent with loved ones and friends. During this time of year, some might find it amusing to welcome about of temporary hearing loss, but for those that are affected by hearing dysfunction, this time of year can make them feel …

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Blood Pressure and Cognitive Impairment

Chronically low blood pressure leads to decreased brain function and can increase the risk of developing dementia. By Kenneth McLeod, Ph.D. As we get into our 60s, our blood pressure, in particular our diastolic pressure (the lower number in your blood pressure reading), starts to decline. This decline can lead …

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Coping with Grief During the Holidays

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County Death can happen to anyone at any age and can be a sudden accident or expected over a long period of time due to a critical illness. No matter how it happens, or how someone views death and the dying process, we all will …

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Is it the Right Time to Transition into a Senior Living Community?

December is the Perfect Month to Take a Tour! Aging can be challenging not only relating to our health but also our ability to perform daily tasks and to live the life we deserve. Deciding to transition into an independent or assisted living community can be overwhelming, but as individuals …

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Living a Quality Life – Even with Cancer

The evolution of cancer treatment over the last 40 years has resulted in better outcomes for patients; today more people are living with cancer than ever before. Cancer is an illness unlike any other. Many people mistakenly believe that cancer refers to one disease that occurs in various parts of …

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