Friday , September 27 2024


National Diabetes Month 2019

November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country team up to bring attention to diabetes and its impact on millions of Americans. If you’re one the 27 million people in the U.S. with type 2 diabetes, you and your doctor have likely discussed the importance of …

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eMatrix Skin Rejuvenation

By Gil Cortes, MD, FAAD Most of us wouldn’t mind having perfectly glowing, blemish and wrinkle-free skin — but we all know getting it is not always easy. When we hear of a treatment that could help us obtain our perfect skin goals, naturally we want to know more. Welcome to …

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Did You Know Diabetes Leads to Cardiovascular Issues?

High blood sugar and cardiovascular disease are interconnected. In our country, nearly 30 million people have diabetes, and a vast majority of our population unknowingly has what’s known as prediabetes, which quickly escalates into the disease within a short amount of time. If you have diabetes, it’s critical that you …

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea & Oral Appliances: A Solution for a Good Night’s Sleep

By Richard W. Rozensky, DDS, D.ABDSM Sleep apnea affects more than 25 million people in the United States. It is a progressive condition that interrupts breathing patterns throughout a person’s sleep. People that suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) may have episodes of stopping breathing up to hundreds of times per …

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Personalize your ideal body with TruSculpt

Do you feel like you’ve tried it all; exercise, dieting, reducing stress, sleeping better? So, why are you still struggling with those extra pounds, or that less than sculptured physique? You’re not alone! Many people need a little extra help to reach their goals and Trusculpt ID is a revolutionary treatment …

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Guys: Don't skip these screenings.

Gentlemen, you have a lot of responsibilities, manage a lot of moving parts, and take care of your home and family. But are you taking care of YOU? Men often put off health screenings that could have an enormous impact on their health. Sure, they’re not exams anyone looks forward …

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“Injected with the fountain of youth!”

I’m a 55 y/o male who still wanted and desired to live an active lifestyle post retirement from serving in the Army for 31 years and 6 months, and now Brandon Stem Cell Clinic has given me the fountain of youth. You see, during my first ten years of service, …

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Melt Fat Away For Good… Too Good To Be True?

The Battle of the Bulge is not getting any easier…or is it? The VANQUISH ME by BTL is the latest cutting-edge technology to kill, yes kill, fat cells permanently and painlessly. What is the BTL VANQUISH ME BTL VANQUISH ME is the second generation of contactless technology for fat cell …

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Varicose Veins are a Medical Condition

Many suffer from unsightly spider veins and varicose veins; both are signs of vein disease. Vein disease symptoms can range from mild discomfort to pain, but they all have one thing in common: ignoring them allows the problem to progress. Some common symptoms and signs of vein disease include: Fullness, …

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A New Era for Bunion Corrections Making Bunions a thing of the past with this game changing surgical procedure

A form of arthritis can cause painful, red, boney, growths; consequently, bunions can also be hereditary and run in families, especially in females, generation after generation. More women than men experience the painful boney growth on their big toe, known as a bunion, or Hallux Valgus. One of the leading …

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