Friday , September 27 2024


A Knee Replacement Implant Made Specifically For You

If you were having a custom kitchen designed by an expert builder, they wouldn’t just buy a marble countertop off the shelf somewhere; they would have it measured precisely, finely cut, trimmed and polished before installing it in your highly-anticipated new kitchen. If we are so meticulous about our homes, …

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Plastic Surgeon Treats the Entire Patient

Plastic surgeon Tutu Cheng, M.D., is often asked why someone should see a plastic surgeon to have little “tweaks” made to their bodies. Dr. Cheng, who is fellowship-trained in plastic surgery, says her answer is always the same – education and training. “The steps to becoming a plastic surgeon include …

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Are Your Feminine Issues Causing You Pain, Dryness or Incontinence?

What you should know about the FemTouch! Many women can experience vaginal disorders after childbirth, during perimenopause, throughout menopause and after a hysterectomy. Unfortunately these women may be too embarrassed to discuss their pain, dryness, and discomfort with their medical provider. Some women chalk it up to a “normal part …

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Rapid recovery from ankle sprains

By Anthony Pribila, PT, DSc, CMPT, CMP, CEAS Ankle sprains can be a nasty and debilitating injury causing you to miss work, your sport or leisure activities. They can happen suddenly when stepping wrong, jumping and when running or walking on an uneven surface. Ankle sprains can happen in less …

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Permanent Makeup 101: What you should know before getting yours – Part III

This is the last article of the Permanent Makeup 101 introductory series that has been developing through the previous articles. This purpose of this series is to provide information on this subject and also provide guidance for choosing a permanent makeup artist. A very important factor to consider when choosing …

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What's Right For Me? How Do I Choose?

By Kevin T Barlow, AuD What’s the best automobile? What’s the best television? What’s the best home entertainment speaker? How do you answer these questions? Is your opinion based on personal experience, maybe a bias for a manufacturer or product, or maybe something you read or heard? I’m often asked, …

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Carlos Romero MD on the benefit of Care Focus Teams

As one of the architects of the ‘Care Focus Team’ approach to senior healthcare, we talk to Carlos Romero MD, CEO of Reliance Medical Centers, to find out how having a Care Focus Team led by a Primary Care Physician benefits patients. Q: “Can you tell me what a Care …

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Getting Help for Sleep Disturbances is Critical for your Health: CBD is the Natural Alternative That May Work For You

Are you getting a good night’s sleep? Do you have insomnia? If you experience sleep disturbances, not only are you less effective at work and with daily activities because you’re exhausted, but it may have significant repercussions on your overall health. If you have trouble falling asleep, or you find …

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Bauman “TURBO” LaserCap Sheds New Light on Thinning Hair

Laser therapy has been shedding light on hair loss and promoting hair regrowth since the 1960’s and has in recent years become a go-to treatment for hair restoration physicians. The newest weapon in the arsenal comes 10 years after the release of the first LaserCap device, a portable hands-free FDA-cleared …

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Want Bunion Treatment that Lasts? An Advanced 3D Surgical Treatment Gets to the Root Cause & Eliminates Recurrence

A form of arthritis can cause painful, red, boney, growths; consequently, bunions can also be hereditary and run in families, especially in females, generation after generation. More women than men experience the painful boney growth on their big toe, known as a bunion, or Hallux Valgus. One of the leading …

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