Friday , September 27 2024


Eyelid Surgery Giving Your Outlook a Lift

Sagging upper lids and baggy, swollen or inward- or outward-turning lower lids can impair peripheral vision (which can include upward, downward and side views) as well as cause discomfort, invite infection and make people look perpetually tired or haggard. Certain eyelid conditions may be inherited, but most often these problems develop …

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Childhood Obesity Can Cause Major Health Concerns Into Adulthood

Being overweight can cause serious long-term health issues, but the statistics of childhood obesity are staggering. More than 100 million children worldwide are considered obese, and in the United States, 1 out of 3 children are diagnosed as clinically overweight. Over the past few years, there has been nearly a …

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ED: Getting Treatment Early is Best, but it’s NEVER too Late – Don’t Just Mask your Symptoms

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is deeply related to vascular health. Many men that begin to experience ED have little idea that they need to treat the arteriosclerosis in the penis as well as in their body. Most standard medical practitioners will start a man on the “little blue pill,” but this only …

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Finding Your Optimal Melatonin Dose

By Bo Martinsen, MD Melatonin is a molecule indispensable for life. Found in most plants and living organisms, melatonin contributes to a wide range of physiological functions as an antioxidant, hormone, and anti-inflammatory agent. In spite of its varied benefits, melatonin is still best known for its role in improving sleep …

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Restful sleep is attainable and very important for your health. Most people know that getting restful sleep every night is important and that getting eight hours of sleep is ideal. What many people do not realize is that a lack of sleep—especially on a regular basis—is associated with long-term health consequences, …

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Diet, exercise and getting recommended screenings can lessen your risk of cancer. According to the National Institutes of Health, certain lifestyle choices can lessen the chances an individual has of developing cancer. However, even though most Americans know that choices such as quitting smoking, protecting skin from sun damage, eating …

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Cutting edge management of post concussive syndrome

By Anthony Pribila, PT, DSc, CMPT, CMP, CEAS In the past several years concussions have recently started receiving the attention they deserve. Post Concussive Syndrome (PCS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain functioning. This may include altered mental status and level of consciousness, resulting …

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Permanent Makeup 101: What you should know before getting yours

Nowadays you see it everywhere: women of all ages flaunting their makeup; bold eyebrows, juicy lips, winged eyeliner, you name it. And while not everyone is into a very produced look, we can’t deny that when makeup is wisely and skillfully applied it has the power of enhancing any and …

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When you’re dealing with chronic pain, it’s difficult to focus on anything other than your discomfort. The agonizing and sometimes debilitating pain can cause us to lose out on the important things, like spending time with our families, being productive at work, and even the simplest daily activities can require …

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