Friday , September 27 2024


Cholesterol and Your Heart

Dr. Sivasekaran, MD Many Americans do not understand the role that cholesterol—a fat-like substance found in all cells of the body—plays in heart health and heart disease. When there is too much cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol can build up on artery walls and slow or stop blood flow to …

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Located at the front of the neck, on both sides of the windpipe and just below the Adam’s apple, the thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that affects your body a lot more than most people think. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, as well …

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Consistently working long hours might do more than wear you out – it could also raise your risk of a common and potentially dangerous heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation, or AFib. The information came from a study of more than 85,000 people in Europe, finding that those who worked …

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Getting older brings with it wisdom, savvy and awareness – in many ways our brains become better with time and experience. However, our bodies, including our eyes, can develop problems. Luckily most eye problems are not serious, particularly when they’re caught early and are appropriately treated before they advance. Armed …

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Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Treatment of Disease With Less Risk & Discomfort

Not long ago, growths and abnormalities occurring along the base of the skull and brain and at the very top of the spinal column, collectively called the “skull base,” could be treated only by making a surgical opening in the skull (called a transcranial approach) and, frequently, the face (transfacial …

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Protect Your Skin Against Harmful Pollutants

By Thi T. Tran, DO September is National Skin Care Awareness month.  Because our skin is the largest organ throughout our bodies, taking care of it should be more of a priority that most individuals realize. Many people don’t know that everything that touches our skin penetrates into our body, …

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InterCommunity Cancer Center Encourages Women To Get Regular Breast Cancer Screenings

As the busy fall season is upon us, it is easy for women to push their healthcare needs to the background, as everything else seems to take priority. InterCommunity Cancer Center encourages women to be proactive about their health and not postpone preventative cancer screenings, especially when it comes to …

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How You and Your Loved Ones Can Retain Healthy Aging

Aging has a lot of negative connotations that coincide with the term both physically and mentally. Most of us are aware of the importance in keeping our bodies and minds in the best condition we possibly can, but sometimes, we require assistance. If you’ve been contemplating the idea of moving …

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Shopping for Health Care It pays to do your Homework

By Dr. Efrem Castillo, Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement As a family practitioner for nearly 20 years, I know firsthand every senior’s medical needs are as unique as they are as individuals. The Medicare coverage plan that works best for you may not be the one that is right …

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Better Health & Wellness with Electro Therapy

Each of the 100 trillion cells in our bodies relies on energy to communicate with other cells and keep our organs and tissues in a healthy state. Proper functioning and flow of oxygen and nutrients are essential. When these areas are repressed, fatigue, disorders, depleted immune systems, and disease form …

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