Friday , September 27 2024


MRI – Creating a Wide Open View of Internal Structures

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly called MRI, is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging test that utilizes magnetic fields and radio waves to provide detailed cross-sectional views of internal tissues and structures that may not be captured by x-ray, ultrasound or computerized tomography. MRI acquires information and sends it to a computer, which …

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Lower Lousy Cholesterol & Increase Healthy Cholesterol

Has your doctor advised you to reduce your cholesterol level? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days. It seems that everyone is concerned about high cholesterol, and rightfully so. High cholesterol can cause clogged blood vessels, leading to heart attack and stroke. According to …

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Early Cancer Signs Women Should Never Ignore

Diagnostic tools in the medical community have improved so drastically in the past few years that women are more likely to catch cancer before it spreads. Early diagnosis of cancer is key to making a full and complete recovery. The best way to catch cancer early is to keep a …

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Prepare Your Home for Knee Replacement Recovery

After recovering from surgery, you will need to concentrate on adapting to your new knee and getting back to your daily activities. The rehabilitation time for a total knee replacement typically lasts twelve weeks. However, for some it can extend to six months. Since you are likely to spend most …

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Hormone Saliva Tests Knowing your hormone levels is important.

Hormones exist in harmony with each other – partners in a delicate balancing act. When balance is lost, hormone deficiencies and excesses can become toxic to the body causing unwanted symptoms, disorders and disease. The first step to managing your hormones is to start with a detailed assessment of your …

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6 Ways to Feed Your Boys’ Need for Adventure

By Lisa Appelo Two summers ago, my 9-year-old son and his neighborhood friends embarked on a quest. “Can we dig a hole?” they asked me one afternoon. Sure, I thought and directed them to the far corner of our backyard. And so began what turned out to be a …

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Keeping Our Kids Healthy in School

As autumn approaches, children are heading back to school. Because children spend much of their time in classrooms, schools are an ideal setting to teach and model healthy behaviors. As children across the country get ready to return to school, parents and staff can gear up to improve the health …

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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

What is Childhood Cancer? Childhood cancer (also called pediatric cancer) typically means a cancer that is found in children and teens, and sometimes young adults. It is not just one disease. There are many types, which can be found in different places throughout the body. The most common cancer in …

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Your Attitude Determines Your Competence

Life-giving Attitude Part Three: Do It Afraid. By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Jeff was a bit quiet for me. It took a little while to get him going, but we eventually clicked. He was a really smart guy. The company he worked for gave him …

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Varicose Veins Can be More than a Cosmetic Problem

By Tom Tran PA-C, MPAs, NCCPA Surgery Board Certified – Since varicose veins seemingly only create an unsightly appearance, many people often think that there is no real medical problem, and that they are merely a cosmetic problem. This is a common misconception of varicose veins, and it results from …

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