Friday , September 27 2024


Stem Cell Therapy and Willie Nelson: Rebels by Their Own Rules

By Matt Reinstetle – Staff Writer    In the world of country music, few people march to the beat or their own drum – or better yet, guitar – quite like Willie Nelson. Nelson, 82, has been active in the country music scene since the mid 1950s and continues to …

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Vasectomy & Reversal

Vasectomy has grown in popularity throughout the world since its inception in the 19th century. Approximately 600,000 men each year choose to undergo a vasectomy in the United States alone. Of those procedures, urologists perform 85% of vasectomies. A vasectomy is a choice only a man can make, preferably with …

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Protect Your Skin: Prevent Melanoma With Early Detection

Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, develops in the cells that produce melanin — the pigment that gives your skin its color. This deadly form of skin cancer develops in a mole or appears suddenly as a new dark spot on the skin. Every year, more than 8,500 …

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Food Can Heal or Harm – The Choice is Yours

As astonishing as it is, the fact is, nearly 30% of Americans are considered obese. Even more disheartening is that obesity is not only a concern for adults, more and more children are being labeled as overweight or obese. The fast pace of today’s society, busy work schedules, financial concerns,  …

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InterCommunity Cancer Center's Advanced Tumor Tracking Technology Offers Prostate Cancer Patients Many Benefits

Over the last few decades, promising new radiation technologies have been developed that safely deliver more accurate, higher doses of radiation, treating cancer more effectively while minimizing side effects. One of these exciting state-of-the-art technologies is the Calypso® 4D Localization System, an innovative technology for the treatment of prostate patients …

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Oral Appliances Reduce Sleep Apnea

Dr. Kevin Brooks – Cosmetic & Family Dentistry A good night’s sleep has the power to restore the body and enliven the mind. For the 18 million Americans who experience symptoms of sleep apnea, a good night’s sleep also has the power to save their lives. Obstructive sleep apnea is …

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Is Your Home An Easy Break In Target?

If, like many people, you’re concerned about the security of your home, or if you’ve been burgled before and want to stop it happening again, worry not. The following steps will act as a guide to how you can protect your home from break-ins. 1. Create Deterrents to Burglars Deterring …

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Bioidentical Hormones Compounded Just for You

A key factor to many of the disease processes which result in symptoms and illness is hormonal imbalance. Many problems ranging from weight control, depression, fatigue, poor sleep, migraines, PMS, irregular cycles, low libido, and other issues are often times the result of hormone imbalance. Many people resign themselves to living …

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Your Attitude Determines Your Significance

Life-giving Attitude Part Two: Moving to Significance By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church After speaking to our group the man stepped down from the stage and began to shake hands and talk to those who came forward to meet him. He was tall and big, well …

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High Blood Pressure is Dangerous to the Heart Do You Know Your Numbers?

Chances are that you know someone with high blood pressure; maybe you have the condition as well. If you haven’t checked your blood pressure recently, you should make it priority to do so at your next doctor visit. Long term, uncontrolled or untreated high blood pressure can cause wide range …

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