Friday , September 27 2024


SAFETY: What you can’t hear CAN hurt you.

In the United States today, there are 36 million people living with untreated hearing loss.There are many reasons why each and every one of them should seek hearing care, including improvementof quality of life, but the foremost reason is SAFETY. Studies have shown that hearing impairment not only affects business, …

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DISPELLING MAMMOGRAM MYTHS InterCommunity Cancer Center and Institute Spotlights Celebrates National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by Educating Women about the Benefits of Mammograms

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women today. In 2015, an estimated 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in American women and approximately 40,290 women will die from it. The good news is that with regular …

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Surprising Connection Between Dry Eyes and Menopause

By EyeSite of The Villages Menopause and perimenopause have many effects on women, none the least of which is dry eye.  This condition increases a woman’s risk of visual impairment when left untreated. Interestingly, relatively few women recognize dry eye as a symptom of the hormonal changes that occur later …

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Health & Senior Expos

Whether you’re 50 or 90, or anywhere in between, you’ll love the Health & Senior Expo. Come out and meet the experts who can make your life healthier, wealthier and happier! Get connected with Mt. Dora’s and Clermont’s largest Health & Senior Expos. This fun, informational event brings seniors together …

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A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls

Falls are one of the most serious health risks for older adults. They are not only the leading cause of injury-related deaths in this population, but they are also a significant cause of disability. In fact, falls cause ten percent of all emergency department visits and more than half of …

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If My Life Was But A Single Day

By Alex Anderson Mayflies I had this crazy thought. See if you can follow me on this. I’m 53 years old. If I live to be 86 years old (a very real possibility given my genes) then I have 33 years left. At first this sounds like a lot of …

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Brace Yourself

By Dr. Brett Compton, DC – Compton Chiropractic Care – Compton chiropractic is proud to announce that we are now an authorized dispensing location for Medicare approved braces. When it comes to joints in the body there are two main dysfunctions or causes of pain. As Chiropractic Physicians, our three …

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Fish Oil Da Bomb or Debatable?

What used to be a slam-dunk consensus among medical and health professionals—fish oil capsules are good for you—is now a matter of contentious debate. My how times have changed! Those glistening, gold capsules, thought to do everything from protecting the heart and easing inflammation to improving mental health and lengthening …

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With Medicare Fraud in the News, How Do You Find a Provider You Can Trust?

It’s alarming and disheartening to hear of a medical professional or organization being accused of fraud or malpractice, and it can make one wonder where to go for honest, dependable medical diagnostic and interventional care. Radiology Associates of Ocala has a longstanding trust-based relationship with patients, doctors and hospitals and …

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Tips for Healthy Aging!

Have you ever met someone and assumed they were 10-20 years younger than their actual age due to their great energy and wit? Sure, there are the “chosen” ones that are blessed with graceful aging genes. But there are also people who decide to make daily lifestyle changes which help …

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