Friday , September 27 2024



Each October, a diversity of organizations, businesses and individuals take part in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to heighten public knowledge about the symptoms and treatment of this disease. Why the focus on breast cancer, and why does it have its own awareness month? One reason is because breast cancer …

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Have you been prescribed a statin?

Learn what the FDA has to say about these medications. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who take statins to prevent heart disease, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released important new safety information earlier this summer on these cholesterol-lowering medications. The FDA has advised consumers and health …

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Understanding the need for personal financial oversight Caregiving involves more than just providing assistance with medical problems. It also includes helping your loved ones manage his or her finances to ensure that he or she will be able to pay for needed care and live more comfortably.  Often times, these …

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They are the “after hours” of health care – the weekends and evenings when your regular doctor’s office is closed and a trip to the emergency room isn’t necessary. Perhaps you suffered a minor cut or injury from a fall and you don’t want to wait all night or all …

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Tips for Healthy Eating During the Holidays – The old saying is true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

You know you’re full. Close to bursting, actually. You never would have piled your plate like that on a regular day, and you certainly wouldn’t finish it off. But it’s the holidays, and it would be rude not to try every dish, and it all tastes so good, and some …

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Ready to Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins? Know the facts.

Varicose veins can be a source of genuine physical and emotional discomfort. The good news is there are several safe, effective and lasting ways to get rid of unsightly and painful varicose veins without surgery. The bad news is that many marginally-trained “experts” have popped up to address the growing …

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Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

According to experts, the highest crime rate of the year is during the holiday season. Consider the following safety tips this shopping season to better protect yourself: Leave your purse at home. Take a small amount of money or 1 credit card with you and your ID. Place these items …

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Better Health for the Holidays Optimal Health is Achievable!

Written by, Carolyn Waygood, Certified Natural Health Professional The holiday season is a joyous one, filled with gatherings of family and friends, festive parties, and delectable gifts! But for those who struggle with health challenges, be it excess weight, blood sugar management, digestive disorders, or painful inflammation, the holiday season …

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“Bringing Charitable Giving into your Estate Plan.”

Each year, as the holidays approach and the year comes to a close, the spirit of the season calls us into action to help those in need. For those fortunate enough to give to others, there may be advantages in addition to the altruistic and goodwill benefits. By incorporating charitable …

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Holiday Season and Those With Hearing Loss

“For many of the millions of hearing impaired Americans, but especially the 27 million living with untreated hearing loss, the holidays may not be all that happy,” says Audiologist Cindy Beyer. Dr. Beyer, Senior Vice President of HearUSA, said studies have linked hearing loss to stress, frustration, and social isolation, …

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