Friday , September 27 2024


Low Testosterone

Hormones are chemicals made in your body that act on another part of the body after traveling through the bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone which is naturally produced in both men and women but is found in much higher levels in men.  The majority of testosterone is made in the …

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The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of good cheer, parties and family gatherings, but it is not unusual for many of us to feel sad, lonely or even anxious during the holidays. This condition, which has come to be called “holiday blues,” can occur with any holiday …

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Dear Readers, Every month we try to educate you about the latest trends and treatments in cancer care. This month, InterCommunity Cancer Centers and Institute of Leesburg, Lady Lake and Clermont want to step out of the classroom and welcome you all into our homes as we take this moment …

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Our Goal: Person-Directed Care

At North Campus Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, we know that each person who comes to us for rehab and nursing care is a unique individual whose needs extend beyond treatment for medical conditions. We know that regaining strength and health depends on an environment that addresses the whole person – …

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The Gift Of Joyful Thought

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church My Uncle Mutt always smiled. His real first name was Eugene, but everyone called him Mutt. Late at night, sitting around a pot of Maxwell House coffee, my Dad and Uncle Mutt would tell jokes and “side splitting” hunting and …

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Not ready for surgery? New Non-Surgical Options to Permanently Alleviate Pain and Improve Movement!

By Craig Chappell, DO Whether you are a professional athlete, a sports minded student, a tri-athlete or an active adult, Dr. Chappell specializes in activity related injuries and nonsurgical orthopedics. Dr. Chappell provides treatment for the following conditions: • Sports Injuries • Chronic Pain • Overuse injuries (tendonitis, plantar fasciitis,  …

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Don't Forget Your Test – New Technology Reminds Patients to Get Important Diagnostics

By Dr. Harvey Kaufman, Senior Medical Director, Quest Diagnostics, the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information services. Three quarters of healthcare costs in the U.S. are attributed to management of chronic diseases. To a large extent, this is because chronic diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, are prevalent. For …

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No Vein, No Pain

Varicose veins. Not only are they unappealing, they can also be painful, causing aching, restlessness and heaviness of the affected legs. Due to insufficient blood flow to the affected area and surrounding areas, they may cause swelling and changes to the skin including itching, eczema and skin ulcers. Long thought …

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Hospice of Marion County: It’s YOUR Choice

Although hospice care has been mainstream medicine for 30 years, it is still vastly misunderstood and, sadly, underutilized. Today the statistics are still 50/50 when it comes to dying in crisis in an institutional setting versus the comfort of home under hospice. Although federal guidelines stipulate an estimated six-month prognosis …

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Sit Up! Stand Up Straight!

Is your posture poor? Are people frequently reminding you to sit up or stand up straight? There are many reasons why your posture may not be as straight as an arrow. In general, prolonged posture whether sitting at a desk, driving or  even reading can lead to slow but significant …

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