Friday , September 27 2024


Understanding & Coping with Tinnitus

By Dr. James M. Davenport, F-AAA, CCC-A  – For sufferers of tinnitus, the condition described as ringing in the ears when no external sounds are present, life can be difficult at best, and almost unbearable at worst. Those recently diagnosed with tinnitus – or who think they may have the …

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Control Your Asthma – don't let it control you

By Thomas L. Johnson II, MD – Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in  bronchial passages being particularly sensitive to irritants. It is primarily characterized by labored or difficult breathing. Asthma is a leading chronic condition that affects both adults and children. Although there is no cure for …

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Connection Between Alcohol Use and Cancer

By South Lake Gastroenterology – Most people know that heavy alcohol use can cause health problems. But many people may not be aware that alcohol use can increase their risk of cancer. Alcohol is a known cause of cancers of the: Mouth Throat (pharynx) Voice box (larynx) Esophagus Liver Colon …

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Dental Implants The Best Option for Replacing Missing Teeth

By Spruce Creek Dental – In the past, losing teeth meant your appearance and your ability to eat normal foods would be greatly impacted. Today with dental implants, you can maintain a natural appearance and the ability to eat the foods you enjoy with teeth that feel like your own. …

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Proper Exercise is Important for Each Muscle Group

Are there certain areas of your body that give you more trouble than others? Doing the proper exercises to work each muscle group, including the lower body, chest, back, shoulders, arms and abs is important to getting a good overall workout. Lower Body. The lower body includes the largest muscle …

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Kidney Disease: A Silent Killer

By David Moskowitz, MD, MA(Oxon), FACP – Kidney disease is called the silent killer because it’s not uncommon for your kidneys to fail without you knowing a thing about it. At the end, all you feel is tired, nothing more. Then to stay alive you need dialysis–a mechanical way of …

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Tired of Walking on Rocks… Outpatient Procedure Relieves Pain Immediately

By Richard S. Benjamin, DPM – Do you feel like you are walking on raw bones or rocks? Have you tried inserts, padding, and countless new shoes only to continue to walk in pain? Do you want artificial fillers like liquid silicone which have been linked to auto immune diseases, …

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Leg/Limb Swelling Causes and Treatments

By Patrick Rich – One of the most common issues among older patients is chronic limb swelling; swelling in the feet, ankles, calves, and arms. Any limb swelling whatsoever is often indicative of an overloaded lymphatic system (Lymphedema affects approximately 140 million people worldwide) or a weakened Venus return system …

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Children and Prescriptions: A Special Challenge

By The Medicine Chest – There are often several challenges when it comes to administering medications to children. Some children may resist taking a liquid medicine due its taste, others may have difficulty swallowing pills, and many have a fear of injections. More effective than a spoonful of sugar, pediatric …

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Healthcare of the Future Available TODAY

By Personal Care Medical Practices, PLLC – Are you tired of waiting weeks to get in to see a doctor and then you wait hours to only see him or her for less then five minutes? To add insult to injury you have to pay a co-pay or a deductible …

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