Friday , September 27 2024


Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder cancer is a rare disease. The American Cancer Society estimates that in the United States, 6,570 women and 5,750 men will be diagnosed with cancer of the gallbladder or nearby large bile ducts in 2023. It occurs more frequently in women than in men, and the incidence is higher …

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Making Healthcare Decisions Should be a New Year’s Resolution

Making Healthcare Decisions Should be a New Year’s Resolution

Submitted by Hospice of Marion County At the beginning of each year, many people make New Year’s resolutions, some include making healthier decisions about their diet, while others are about exercising or improving family relationships and more. Some are kept and some not so much. There’s one resolution that’s easy …

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Shining a Light on Cornea Conditions

Cornea Conditions

The transparent outer layer covering your iris and pupil is the cornea. Its role is to help the eye focus light. Obviously, this thin but tough little canopy is crucial to healthy vision. Any damage to the cornea will affect its ability to bounce light back to the retina, causing …

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Celebrating Life

Celebrating Life

As the start of a new year, January is often associated with new beginnings. But did you know the first month of the year also encompasses Celebration of Life Day and Hunt for Happiness Week? These lesser-known acknowledgments—falling on the first and third weeks of January, respectively—remind us not only …

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GLP1 is LIQUID Gold for Weight Loss, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin Resistance

The newest prescription Type 2 Diabetes management on the market has weight loss experts abuzz with excitement. Mounjaro is an injectable prescription medicine that is used along with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar (glucose) in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mounjaro is the first and only approved …

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Cooling Therapy Gives Oxygen-Deprived Newborns a Better Chance to Thrive


Moments after Titan Latimer was born, he was diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a condition that can occur when the brain fails to receive adequate amounts of blood or oxygen around the time of birth. In Titan’s case, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck during delivery. Newborns …

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Improve Your Workout with Omega-3 Fish Oil

Improve Your Workout with Omega-3 Fish Oil

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Is there a relationship between taking fish oil and exercise performance? That was our hypothesis when we started giving Wellpride® fish oil to Thoroughbred racehorses nearly two decades ago. The theory held water. Horse trainers reported back that their horses had better endurance and recovered faster …

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Show Gratitude in the New Year

Show Gratitude

By Sharon A. Bassett Life is busy. Yet we make life busy. We say yes and then we regret our decision or dread attending the events we said yes to. In 2023, make a purposeful choice to do only those things that bring you inner joy. And then be grateful …

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MRI and Open MRI: What’s the Difference?

For answers to medical mysteries, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, is one of the most sophisticated and effective imaging exams for viewing soft tissues within the body, including the spine and musculoskeletal system, brain, fatty tissues, blood vessels and internal organs. MRI provides greater detail of many of these structures …

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When is it Time for Knee-Replacement Surgery?

Knee-Replacement Surgery

By Dr. Nam Dinh, MD, FAAOS Most people take their knees for granted until it gets too difficult to climb a flight of stairs or go for a walk. Knee pain, usually associated with arthritis, is common among older adults. But is it time for surgery? Knee-replacement procedures are among …

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