Saturday , March 15 2025

Do You Have Back Pain? How Spinal Decompression Can Help

By Compton Chiropractic Care

Do You Have Back Pain? How Spinal Decompression Can HelpOver 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at one time or another in their lives. Unfortunately, as we age, our spinal discomfort tends to become progressively worse and can become chronic if left untreated. Some of the most common reasons for backaches are trauma or sports related injury, lifting heavy objects, improper spinal posture, poor sleeping posture, and ballistic movements.

The spine is made up of wedges of vertebral bone consisting of sacral, lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae, as well as, vertebral discs, ligaments, tendons and muscles that attach to the spine. Over 30 nerves run down the entire spinal column. When our backs are injured the surrounding muscles often contract, as they try to protect the spine, but this causes, even more, discomfort to our bodies. Not only is the back affected with pain, but the arms, legs, and neck may experience excessive pain from the tension, too.

The elements of what’s causing all of the pain depend on your particular situation and biological makeup, but for the most part, it’s frequently associated with compressed nerves that are literally being crushed by the narrowing of the vertebrae. The damaged nerves send signals to the brain transmitting the indication of pain.

The typically recommended treatments for spinal compression are pain medication and surgery, but most patients are reluctant to have back procedures for fear of long-term spinal complications, and pain medications are very often an addictive habit not easily broken, once the pain is controlled, therefore most individuals are unenthusiastic about taking pain medication prescriptions.

There is a better way; a results-driven solution that doesn’t include any drugs or surgery shows favorable results in relieving back pain. For many years chiropractors and physical therapists, have been utilizing a natural therapy for back discomfort called spinal decompression.

What is Spinal Decompression?
While lying on a traction table, a patient will be moved by the traction device in tiny increments either side to side or back and forth, depending on their compression issues. This movement provides relaxation and relief by widening the vertebrae area and relieving the compressed nerves. And, as it substantially decompresses the disc(s) off of the nerve(s), it allows nutrients to flow into the vertebrae naturally again, which will supply the area with the proper amount of blood cells and oxygen to begin the bodies internal healing process.

The sessions take approximately 30 minutes each and most likely patients will need several treatments to the area get them to their ideal comfort zone, or to relieve the area completely. This treatment has provided relief for countless patients and is one of the best ways to start your recovery.

The Compton Chiropractic Center:
• Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff
• Personalized Therapy Treatments
• Patients Are Our Number One Priority
• Treating More Than Neck And Back Pain
• Chiropractor With A Medical Approach
• Top Quality Health Care For A Reasonable Fee
• Palmer Graduates
• Call Today For A Free Consultation

No matter what type of care you need, if you live in The Villages, you can rest assured that you will receive exceptional care with the Compton Chiropractic Center. Please call 352-391-9467 to schedule your appointment.

Providing Quality Chiropractic Care to patients in and around The Villages, Florida.

Our Philosophy
. Treat patients as individuals and perform a thorough exam
. Deliver an accurate diagnosis
. Treat patients with the highly reliable and world-known Palmer “hands on” Technique
. No long-term treatment plans or large out-of-pocket expenses
. Provide patients with non-surgical alternatives to pain

Our Facility Offers
. Medicare accreditation for DME bracing
. State-of-the-art treatment tables
. On-site digital x-ray
. Physical Rehab suite with cold laser technology
. Use of blood and urine testing to evaluate for food allergies and heavy metal toxicity
. Clinical Nutrition
. Quality care without the wait

. Medicare
. Blue Cross Blue Shield
. Cigna, Aetna
. Humana
. United Health Care plans
. Personal Injury

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