Wednesday , July 3 2024

Tag Archives: featured

Winning the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Regardless of age, race or family history, all women – and about 1 percent of men – have some level of risk for breast cancer. Primary risk factors include age and gender, along with a number of other factors such as obesity and alcohol use, which can be moderated through …

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The ABCs of Aging Into Medicare – If you are turning 65 soon, Happy Birthday!

By Michael Crotts Up to three months before your birthday celebration you can start making important decisions about your Medicare coverage. First, it is recommended you sign-up for Part A (Hospital coverage). The cost of Part A coverage is usually paid for by Medicare and covers some of the cost of …

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Do You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis? Why you shouldn't wait to seek medical care

Courtesy of Florida Medical Clinic Painful aching joints and a general feeling of being unwell are often the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Affecting nearly 1.5 million Americans between the ages of 30 and 70, it is estimated that 3 times as many women than men are diagnosed with …

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Fatigue and Tiredness – Why and What Can I Do?

By Peggy Demetriou ARNP, FNP-BC, Board Certified in Family Practice by the ANCC Can’t get past that two o’clock slump? Feel wiped out or wake up tired? Sounds like you are one of the many Americans suffering from fatigue.  Nearly all people get tired or overworked at some point. This …

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Hemorrhoids have been the butt of jokes for many decades. All of us have seen the commercials selling the likes of hemorrhoid treatments such as creams, ointments, liniments, pads, soaks, pillows and wipes. I’ll bet you can even remember a party or two where these items were given as gag …

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Computer Guided Dental Implant Placement

Computer Guided Dental Implant Surgery actually allows the procedure to be “performed” in advance of the surgery.  Surgical simulation can be done on the computer, so the exact size and ideal location for the implant is known.  In essence, the treatment is completed on the simulator pre-surgically.  Recent computer technology breakthroughs …

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Fighting Chronic Illness with CBD Oil

There are countless ongoing peer-reviewed studies on the medical outcomes of utilizing Cannabis as a drug therapy in patients that have cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, cognitive damage, rheumatoid arthritis, PTSD, epilepsy, ALS, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, Lupus, and many other disorders.  CBD oil is also a viable alternative for many patients wanting the …

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Men’s Health Month: Heart Conditions and Male Risk Factors

Courtesy of American House June is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and there’s no time like the present to give your overall health the attention it needs. Men have a number of specific health concerns, like prostate cancer and hormone deficiencies, but heart disease is the leading cause of male deaths …

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5 Reasons To Use In-Home Care

The physical and mental decline that comes with the aging process affects everyone in a different way. Some seniors find it particularly difficult to cope with the limitations of age. As a result, they may turn to denial and refuse assistance from loved ones. Services that provide in-home care staff offer …

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The Acceptance of Alcohol is Leading to More Dependence Issues and Health Concerns

By Dr. Sivasekaran, MD In our social culture, drinking with family and friends is common for celebrating special occasions and in some instances coping  with  life.   Drinking alcohol has become extremely accepted in our society, and with that acceptance and desensitization of the harmful effects, comes a lot more alcohol …

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