Wednesday , July 3 2024

Tag Archives: featured

Is Your Home An Easy Break In Target?

If, like many people, you’re concerned about the security of your home, or if you’ve been burgled before and want to stop it happening again, worry not. The following steps will act as a guide to how you can protect your home from break-ins. 1. Create Deterrents to Burglars Deterring …

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Waiting for a Heart Baby Addilyn’s Journey

Two days shy of 26 weeks gestation, Amy & Daniel Jodoin received devastating news during a routine visit to monitor their twin girls. During the echocardiogram, the tech noticed something wrong and asked the doctor to take a look. At that time, Amy was immediately sent to Shands at the …

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Link Between Obesity and Low Testosterone

Obesity, a condition linked to heart disease and diabetes, now appears to be associated with another health problem, but one that affects men only — low testosterone levels. In a study conducted by the University at Buffalo endocrinologists, researchers discovered that about 40% of obese participants had lower-than-normal testosterone levels. …

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All About Today's Hearing Aids

Technology and consumer electronics are transforming people’s lives, adding ease and enjoyment to daily living. The same is true for hearing aid technology. In the past few years, research and development have enabled a technological transformation in the hearing aid marketplace. These advances in hearing aids are making a significant …

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Man Up: Know Your Risk and Prevent Heart Disease

The list of the biggest health threats for men is surprisingly short: heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and suicide. One thing each of these threats have in common in that prevention pays off. It is no surprise that heart disease tops this list …

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10 Ways to Make Dad’s Day

Celebrate your own father and the father of your children this Father’s Day. Make Dad the center of attention for a change. Here are some ways that you and your kids can make Dad’s day! 1. Before Father’s Day, sit down and write a note to your husband, telling him …

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Keeping Your Cholesterol Levels in Check

Has your doctor advised you to reduce your cholesterol level? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days. It seems that everyone is concerned about high cholesterol, and rightfully so. High cholesterol can cause clogged blood vessels, leading to heart attack and stroke. According to …

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Keeping Summer Safe From basic first aid to family emergencies

By Lindsay Crocker, Family Nurse Practitioner Summer fun is just around the corner: sun, sports, pools, playgrounds and other outdoor activities abound. It’s no surprise to any parent that the summer season is also the busiest for your local emergency room. Knowing what to do when an emergency arises, when …

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Sunburn: What is it and How to Avoid it

What is a sunburn? A sunburn is an injury to the skin due to UV radiation from the sun. UV light is a combination of different types of radiation. There are two types of UV radiation most responsible for sunburn. UVA rays cause aging. This is invisible damage, and after …

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