Friday , March 14 2025

What You Need To Know About Stem Cell Therapy

What You Need To Know About Stem Cell TherapyHOW DOES STEM CELL
How do I avoid surgery? You’re not alone if you have asked that question. Many today take pain masking drugs in order to avoid surgery. All they’re doing in many cases though is chasing their pain with those drugs – not eliminating it. In those cases, the pain will always be there and will likely get worse when those drugs aren’t available. Unfortunately, in some cases, these may be the best or last resort.

What if there were thousands of people who eliminated their pain without resorting to drugs or surgery? What if there was a way for your body to correct the ailment causing that pain? Stem Cell therapy is an outpatient treatment as simple and familiar as getting a flu shot.

So what is stem cell therapy and how does it work?
The umbilical cord blood of healthy, live births, contains a complex combination of growth factors, proteins and stem cells which provide a highly active regenerative mixture. When a child is born, the parents are asked if they would like to ‘bank’ the cord blood, dispose of it or donate it. The donated cord blood undergoes an intense screening process to ensure the best and safest result. The resulting stem cells are then cooled in liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -321 degrees. Two separate third party testers test the stem cells before and after they are frozen to ensure they meet criteria. Those stem cells remain dormant until time for treatment and can hypothetically remain that way (and their potency) for years.

Prior to therapy, potential patients are brought in for a candidacy evaluation with the doctor who would perform the procedure. Medical records are reviewed, recent imaging is reviewed (or new imaging taken) and other physicians and ‘-ologists’ who have treated the patient are consulted as needed. If everything checks out and there is a good track record of treating the particular injury or diseases causing the pain, the treatment is approved and a date for the injection is set.

The treatment itself takes actually takes less time than it takes to warm up the stem cells and ‘awaken’ them from their dormant state. Using guided ultrasound, the stem cells are injected directly into the area in need of treatment. A band- aid is applied and that is it! For treatment of autoimmune diseases, the stem cells are delivered intravenously (an IV). The patient is free to leave and go about their day. Follow-up consultations are often requested to track the patient’s progress and often some level of physical therapy is recommended for best results as the healing takes place.

Brandon Stem Cell clinic helps people heal from a wide array of diseases and injuries:
Alternative to Joint Replacements
Knees, Hips, Shoulders, Wrists
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rotator Cuff Tear
Intramuscular Strains & Tears
Lung Disease

For more information, and upcoming webinars & seminars near you visit their website at

Brandon Stem Cell Clinic

1602 Oakfield Drive,
Suite 101
Brandon, FL 33511

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