Friday , September 27 2024


February is American Heart Health Month Why Exercise is Highly Recommended for Those That Have Suffered Cardiac Issues

It’s February, which reminds us all that we celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, but more importantly than the act of merely giving chocolates and roses, this holiday, it’s imperative to consider the fact that our hearts are what really matter. Since heart disease is still the leading cause of death …

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This Valentine’s Day Experience LOVE The Way You Did Before

This Valentine’s Day Experience LOVE The Way You Did Before

Sexual disorders can happen to both men and women. For women, it’s often due to vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA). Intimacy issues can affect a partner’s psychological wellbeing, just as much as it does with the one with the condition. Dr. Parveen Vahora explains what vulvovaginal atrophy is and how it affects …

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Is There A Link Between Pain, Inflammation, And Nutrition?

Is There A Link Between Pain, Inflammation, And Nutrition?

By Resham Datta, M.D. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, has been quoted to say “Let food be thy medicine.” In our modern medicinal age, however, we rely on pills to cure our ailments. Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the amount of opioid prescriptions dispensed has quadrupled …

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Falling Behind? Why it’s Critical to Revisit Those New Year’s Resolutions

Falling Behind? Why it’s Critical to Revisit Those New Year’s Resolutions

By Sharon M. McCampbell Fresh into the second month of 2020, have you already given up on your New Year’s Resolutions like 92% of our country’s population? Every year, January first, millions of Americans resolve to make changes. I’m going to quit smoking, drinking, over-eating. I’m going to get in …

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Is it Time You Got New Hearing Aids? 3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself

Is it Time You Got New Hearing Aids

Dr. Kelly Hansen, Au.D. Not being able to hear properly can affect one’s overall health, confidence, and communication level. If you’ve had hearing aids for some time, you know how valuable they’ve been in changing your perspective on life, whether it’s easier to hear the TV at an abnormal level …

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Protect Your Hearing, Protect Your Passion

Kevin T. Barlow, Au.D. What’s your passion? From hunting to classic farm equipment to animal rescue, odds are, that which inspires you also gets a little noisy. But just how loud is too loud? Common Dangerous Noise Levels Exposure to sounds louder than 85 decibels (dB) puts you at risk …

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Love Is In The Air – Or Maybe It’s The Nitrogen

Love Is In The Air - Or Maybe It’s The Nitrogen

Cryotherapy is best known for reducing inflammation and easing the painful symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but did you know Cryotherapy has many other useful benefits, especially when it comes to ROMANCE? Whole-body cryotherapy is a cold therapy that reduces systemic inflammation helping to improve your overall health and aid in …

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A New Study Announced Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Alzheimer’s and Dementia is an Effective Treatment for Halting and Reversing the Disease

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and unfortunately, we all know someone that has been diagnosed with the disease and the devastating effects of losing not only memory, but the “wholeness” of the individual can be overwhelming. Nearly 5.2 million Americans have some form of dementia, and that …

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More People Are Living with Cancer

More People Are Living with Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, there are more than 15.5 million Americans with a history of cancer who are alive today; 1.34 million of those survivors are here in Florida. The evolution of cancer treatment over the last 40 years has resulted in much better outcomes for patients; today …

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Utilizing Technology to Elevate Physical Therapy and Achieve Optimal Health

Utilizing Technology to Elevate Physical Therapy and Achieve Optimal Health

By Jason Waz, President of Competitive Edge Physical Therapy Over the past two decades, the team at Competitive Edge Physical Therapy (CEP) has worked to set themselves apart from the typical run-of-the-mill physical therapy practice, focusing on applying specialized techniques and groundbreaking technology to gain industry-leading results with patients. To …

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