Friday , September 27 2024


What Happens After a Hair Transplant?

By Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS While patients report undergoing a hair transplant as a life changing experience that restores their confidence and youthfulness and improves their quality of life, it is important to understand that the change doesn’t happen overnight. Results take time and treating hair loss successfully for …

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THE LEMON – The University of Natural Healing

By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health& Wellness Innovator At the very beginning of any kind of illness there is a breakdown of the liver. One of the livers functions is to produce six billion types of enzymes and it is these various enzymes that supply the raw materials used by …

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How Much Omega-3 Fish Oil A Day Will Produce Results?

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Are you noticing results from your fish oil supplement? If the answer is ‘no’, it may be that you are not be getting enough of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids to make a difference. Please take a moment to go grab your fish oil supplement, if …

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Don’t Get Burned! Try these Summer Sun Safety Tips

With summer in full swing, you may be headed outdoors to enjoy the weather or flocking to the beach for some fun in the water. Staying out of the sun can be tough, especially when you live in Ave Maria.  Whether you’re spending your time cheering on University athletics, splashing …

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With Many Neurological Issues, the Answer is in Your Head

The brain and brain stem/spinal cord comprise a complicated network, and injury, disease and anomalies in these tissues can create a variety of mysterious symptoms including changes in vision or memory, chronic headache and head pain, vertigo, loss of equilibrium, physical dysfunction, tremors, even paralysis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a …

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Life Beyond a Cancer Diagnosis

According to the American Cancer Society, there are an estimated 16 million cancer survivors in the U.S. today. If you are a survivor, you have come a long way since you were first diagnosed. With the help of your oncology team, your family and even your employer, there is a …

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By John H. Piccin 1. Following a motor vehicle accident of any sort, the first thing to do, of course, is to determine whether anyone needs immediate medical attention. If so, call 911 and get medical professional help to the scene. 2. Next, be sure the police or Highway Patrol …

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Exciting Options for Glaucoma Patients With Cataracts

Glaucoma is a set of diseases in which fluid and pressure damage the eye’s optic nerve, the part of the eye responsible for sending information collected by the retina to the brain. When fluid produced by the eye fails to drain normally, it creates pressure inside the optic nerve, resulting in …

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Quick Tips for a Healthy Mouth this Summer

Doing some summer cleaning? While you’re busy beating rugs, cleaning curtains and organizing cabinets, don’t forget to check your bathroom counter! Add these four items to your checklist to include dental hygiene in your battle plan. While you’re at it achieving healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care. Even if …

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Chronic Sinus Infections: How a Balloon Procedure Could Help Alleviate Your Symptoms

By Michael Branch, MD More than 30 million people in the U.S. are affected by chronic sinusitis. Each year it’s one of the most common reasons that individuals visit their doctor. People who suffer from ongoing sinus complications usually have difficulty breathing, contributing to other health disorders. Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis …

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