Friday , September 27 2024


Sodium Overload: What you Need to Know

Excessive salt is everywhere! However, the majority of our salt indulgences do not come from the salt shaker, they come from processed, packaged, and restaurant foods that many Americans are addicted to. The average healthy individual is encouraged to eat no more than 2300 mg of salt daily; and if …

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Happy Happiness Happens Month!

Celebrated every August, “Happiness Happens Month” is an entire month dedicated to celebrating ‘happiness’ by encouraging people to reflect on their lives and think about what makes them happy. What makes you happy? If pristine, sugar-white sand beaches along the Gulf of Mexico, art galleries, golf, tennis or breathtaking sunsets …

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7 Reasons to See a Gastroenterologist

1. Colorectal Cancer Screening Over the last few years, we have instituted an aggressive course of colorectal cancer screening for anyone over the age of 50 and for African Americans over the age of 45. This entails a full colonoscopy to look for any abnormal colonic lesions or polyps (growths …

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Myth-Busting Medical Marijuana

By Robert C. Goethe, MD Several months ago, I was scheduled to do anesthesia for a young man having a spinal cord stimulator placed in his spine. He was around 40 years old. What started his problem was back pain. He had been through chiropractic care, epidural steroid injections and …

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Put Your Runny Nose on ICE

We now have the first and only FDA approved safe and effective treatment that can help you enjoy life without tissues! By Randall C. Latorre, MD Do you experience these symptoms frequently or on a regular basis? • Runny nose while eating • Watery runny nose all day long • …

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VERTIGO Losing Your Balance and Nauseated? You Need a Specialist!

By Davis Family Hearing As children, a favorite retro game at birthday parties was Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Blindfolded, kids were spun round and round, and self-induced vertigo was onset quite rapidly, while the children staggered and lost their balance towards the donkey poster. As adults, vertigo is …

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Do You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis? Why you shouldn't wait to seek medical care

Courtesy of Florida Medical Clinic Painful aching joints and a general feeling of being unwell are often the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Affecting nearly 1.5 million Americans between the ages of 30 and 70, it is estimated that 3 times as many women than men are diagnosed with …

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Learning Disabilities for Children and Adults Improve With Vision Therapy

By Walesby Vision Center Unlike orthoptics, which is a method to straighten the eyes muscularly, Vision Therapy is an entirely different treatment, which encompasses not only strengthening the eye muscles, but also improving visual perception, visual brain signaling, developing the ability to follow text efficiently, and hand-eye coordination. While it does …

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Your Healthy Back to School Plan

As school gets back in swing this month, it’s a good time to evaluate the healthy habits we can make a part of our routine this school year. Overall good health and good posture are made with small habits over long periods of time. Since the school year takes up …

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Bioidentical Hormones vs. Synthetic: Why it Matters!

Dr. Vahora, MD, FACOG Females tend to experience an imbalance of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, which can lead to hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, brain fog, weight gain, loss of muscle, irritability and bone deficiency. HORMONAL IMBALANCE CAN ALSO CAUSE THE FOLLOWING DISORDERS: • Heart Disease • Metabolic Syndrome • …

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