Friday , September 27 2024



It is all about supply and demand.  The heart needs a plentiful supply of oxygen and nutrients to effectively nourish the body.  When the body’s body’s demand exceeds the heart’s supply, complications arise. This imbalance between demand and supply results from high blood pressure and vessel narrowing leading to lack …

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Hearing Loss: Prevention Through Nutrition

There are many ways to support and maintain healthy hearing–protecting ears from noise pollution, turning down the music, and getting a regular checkup from an audiologist, but nutrition also plays a key part in hearing preservation. Studies confirm that hearing loss and poor nutrition go hand and hand. An Australian …

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Stem Cells Take Center Stage

By David Ebner, Staff Writer Stem CellsThe world will never forget the fate-filled day when four young men from Liverpool, England walked onto the stage of The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964. The bright stage lights and the squeals from the crowd rained down on the smiling group, and that …

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MRI – Providing a Painless, Up-Close Look Without Harmful Radiation Exposure

By Dr. Brian Cartwright When detailed information about internal tissues or structures of the head or body is needed, doctors often rely on magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, to provide different or additional information than can be obtained from other diagnostic tests like x-ray, ultrasound, or computerized tomography. MRI utilizes …

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Rid the Stress Before Spring

Stress is common year-round, but the winter season can be a particularly difficult time for many. The cooler temperatures, rainy days, and not as much sunlight as we are accustomed to are all potential stressors. With spring just around the corner, many people become overwhelmed with annual “spring cleaning” routines. …

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Florida Fresh Blueberry Wines Locally Grown and Blended

Central Florida’s blueberries are quickly becoming Florida’s version of Napa valley, and for good reason. Conveniently located, Whispering Oaks Winery is a short 8-10 minute drive from The Villages and a 20-25 mile drive from Ocala. Make the trip to the winery and you will find yourself surrounded by fields …

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Just Who Gets Prostate Cancer?

By Virginia Carnahan, APR, CPRC Director of Development Just Who Gets Prostate Cancer?Most people are surprised to learn that more men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year than women are diagnosed with breast cancer! Think about that for a moment. How many women do you know who have battled …

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I found it — The Secret to Anti-Aging!

My cholesterol dropped by 73 points in 1 month, my husband’s morning blood sugar level dropped from 200 to 113 in 3 months, and we are feeling and looking so much YOUNGER! A few months ago, my husband’s blood sugars were out of control after years of controlling it with …

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Choose to Eat Heart Healthy — For Better or For Worse.

Your heart will be a vital, beating part of you for the rest of your life. It’s up to you how you’ll treat it. Exercise? You know that’s a given. Practically every study since studies began touts the benefits of regular exercise on a healthy heart. What about nutrition? Eating …

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March is National Kidney Month

National Kidney MonthIn a popular 1970 song, singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell asked, “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”—a question that could have been aimed at people with kidney disease.  The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining overall health, but are …

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