Friday , September 27 2024


Not All Skin Care Products Are Created Equal

By Steven T. Powell, MD – It seems as though there are skin care products available in just about every store you shop in these days. With so many products available, trying to decide which products will work for your particular skin type and skin problems can be an overwhelming …

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March is Red Cross Month

Every March, the American Red Cross celebrates Red Cross Month and the Tennessee Volunteer Region is urging all to get involved. This March, the American Red Cross would like to recognize the nation’s Everyday Heroes who reach out to help their neighbors when they are in need. These everyday heroes …

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Be Clot Aware: Spotlight on Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

For more than a decade, the month of March has been dedicated to spreading awareness of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It is important for you to learn how DVT affects the body, the risk factors of developing the condition, and how to prevent it.   Since 2003, more than 25 …

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Blossom This Spring – by Rejuvenating Yourself!

The Polar Vortex has caused one of the coldest winters on record this season and we feel very fortunate to enjoy our “Florida Winters.” But spring is almost here! For many, wintertime is a trade-off that’s been happening for years: as soon as the cold weather hits, snowbirds from the …

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Resolve to Maintain a Healthy Smile

With 2013 in full swing, you may have already begun to think about your resolutions. You may be considering resolving to spend less money, lose weight, or exercise more. Many people set new goals about having a healthier lifestyle in the new year. Why not make one of your resolutions …

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Hearing Company Offers Risk Free Trial HERE ARE SOME WARNING SIGNS OF HEARING LOSS: 1. You hear but have trouble understanding all the words in a conversation, especially in a crowd. 2. You often ask people to repeat themselves. 3. You find telephone conversation increasingly difficult. 4. Family complains you …

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Deal with the Fear First

By Alex Anderson Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church – Not long ago I asked my wife a drilling question, “What would be the most important advice you could give to another person who ‘just found out’ that they had cancer?”  She went completely silent for a few moments, …

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The Savvy Senior

By Crystal Johnsen – When living on your own is no longer your best option, fear of the unknown can get the best of you.  So take a deep breath because I have four myths about assisted living that are sure to ease some of your anxiety. Myth 1 I …

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The holidays are over and it’s back to work for most of us.  You and the family were fortunate and spent the holidays with mom and dad.  The kids were so happy to spend the holidays with your parents and it warmed your heart, but there is still one concern …

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