Wednesday , July 3 2024


Vaccines and Stem Cells: Secret Weapons in the Fight Against Lung Disease

By Cameron Kennerly – Staff Writer     Once a year around the end of October, the U.S. will enter flu season, sparking millions of parents and grandparents to pull their children kicking and screaming all the way to the doctor’s office. Although any needle is an unwelcomed one, we tolerate …

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A Fungus Among Us

PinPointe® FootLaserTM is the only FDA-approved laser treatment for toenail fungus. Stop suffering the pain and embarrassment of unsightly nail fungus. PinPointe FootLaser is the easy and convenient procedure that helps turn your discolored and disfigured nails into clearer, healthier looking nails. Nail fungus can be both unattractive to look …

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ONE-ON-ONE Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical therapy is treatment designed to help people live a full, active life: to move easily through their required activities as pain-free as possible.  Physical therapists are trained to evaluate individual problems, interpret how the body adapts to those problems, and to provide treatments that help prevent further injury. Physical therapists …

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Important Things to Know About Home Inspections

If you’re hiring someone to inspect the home you want to buy, or you’re a seller trying to find out if there are any hidden problems that need fixing before you put your home on the market, here are five things you need to know: 1. You can choose your home …

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Pharmacy compounding is the art and science of preparing personalized medications for patients. Compounded medications are “made from scratch” – individual ingredients are mixed together in the exact strength and dosage form required by the patient. This method allows the compounding pharmacist to work with the patient and the prescriber …

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control. These cells usually form a tumor that can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. The tumor is malignant (cancerous) if the cells can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to …

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Life-Threatening Sleep Apnea and the CPAP Alternative

Dr. Kevin Brooks – Cosmetic & Family Dentistry The word apnea literally means without breath.  During sleep, the muscles and tissues of the upper airway can collapse and narrow or totally block the opening in the throat for air.  The narrowing of the upper airway can produce sound – snoring.  …

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Prostate Cancer Survivor Credits Technology for Beating Disease

Dave Elliott moved to Citrus Springs from Minnesota to escape the cold winters. But two years after the move while soaking up the sun, the 74-year-old retired mechanical engineer was told his PSA level rose dramatically, indicating possible prostate disease. Shortly after, Elliott underwent a biopsy. His diagnosis: stage 3 …

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MRI – Creating a Wide Open View of Internal Structures

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly called MRI, is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging test that utilizes magnetic fields and radio waves to provide detailed cross-sectional views of internal tissues and structures that may not be captured by x-ray, ultrasound or computerized tomography. MRI acquires information and sends it to a computer, which …

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Lower Lousy Cholesterol & Increase Healthy Cholesterol

Has your doctor advised you to reduce your cholesterol level? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days. It seems that everyone is concerned about high cholesterol, and rightfully so. High cholesterol can cause clogged blood vessels, leading to heart attack and stroke. According to …

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