Wednesday , July 3 2024


February is Heart Awareness Month

Siva Gummadi, MD – Cardiovascular Institute of Central Florida Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in men and women.  It is a broad term used to describe a disease process that occurs within the heart and the blood vessels of the body.  The heart is a muscle and …

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Estate Planning With Dementia on the Rise

By Katina H. Pantazis, Esq. Dementia is a syndrome that causes deterioration of an individual’s cognitive function. As the baby boomer generation ages, the number of people who are affected by dementia continues to increase. Perhaps the more alarming statistic, the number of dementia cases being diagnosed among individuals in their …

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A New Frontier: The Moon Landing & The Rise of Stem Cells for COPD Treatment

On July 20th, 1969 America did the impossible: it landed two men on the moon. To say this was an unfathomable concept for its time would be an understatement. In a time where basic computers filled entire buildings, the technology and know-how to launch a manned flight seemed decades beyond …

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CPR & SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST While the terms heart attack, cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death are often used as if they are synonymous, they aren’t. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow supply to the heart muscle through a coronary artery is severely reduced or cut off completely. …

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Is your heart hurting? Have you been disappointed in love?

By Cheryl Rogers When your special relationship has ended through death or divorce, you may feel lost. You may feel very much alone, but the Bible tells us you are not. “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart,” it says in Psalm 34:18. Your maker …

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Why Limit Sugar Consumption?

By Ali Nasser, M.D. FACC Cardiologist Food manufacturers of processed food, soft drinks and artificial fruit juices with added sugar, are not required to list how much sugar is added versus natural sugar contents. Food makers can also use sweeteners (alcohol sugar) that aren’t technically “sugar.” The body doesn’t distinguish …

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Breast Density – What It Is and How It May Affect You

If you’re a woman who has had a screening mammogram and you live in a state that requires patients to be notified about their breast density (or have simply heard the term “breast density”), you likely have questions about what it is and what it means to your overall health. …

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5 Ways to Cure Stress

By Teri Claassen “I just want to go back to bed and get away from all of it. I can’t handle this stress!” Complaints to resolve, picking kids up from practice, returning the text from my friend who feels like I’m ignoring her, mediating the explosive fight between my kids, …

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Get Chronic Low Back Pain Under Control Without Surgery

Oh, how an aching back can impact every element of your life. More than 3/4 of Americans experience low back pain at some point in their lives, and roughly half of sufferers have recurring episodes. Some people have chronic low back pain, which can result in a frustrating search for a …

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At Precision Optics, we’ve designed our optical department to provide everything you need for clear, crisp vision and impeccable personal style. We are your eyes’ one-stop destination, offering everything from vision exams to the latest trends in designer eyewear, plus a first-rate staff of highly trained professionals ready to cater …

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