Wednesday , July 3 2024

Pasco/ N Tampa

A New Study Announced Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Alzheimer’s and Dementia is an Effective Treatment for Halting and Reversing the Disease

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and unfortunately, we all know someone that has been diagnosed with the disease and the devastating effects of losing not only memory, but the “wholeness” of the individual can be overwhelming. Nearly 5.2 million Americans have some form of dementia, and that …

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More People Are Living with Cancer

More People Are Living with Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, there are more than 15.5 million Americans with a history of cancer who are alive today; 1.34 million of those survivors are here in Florida. The evolution of cancer treatment over the last 40 years has resulted in much better outcomes for patients; today …

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Varicose and Spider Veins Are Not Always Superficial – They Can Pose Significant Health Risks

How Do Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Form? Everyone these days wants to look younger, and live healthier. There are many treatments available to help make this happen, but what can be done about spider veins or varicose veins? And how do they form in the first place? Nearly 80 …

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Which form of CBD is Right for You? It all Depends on Your Intentions

Which form of CBD is Right for You

CBD comes in multiple forms, so how do you know that you’re using the best form for your specific needs? CBD experts will always ask you what your intentions are with your health journey? When deciding to incorporate CBD into your routine or lifestyle, you need to know what you …

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We Feed People

We Feed People

By Matt Spence The front door hasn’t even closed yet and three sets of feet can be heard running my direction. There is no calm “Mr. Rogersesque “moment of shoe removal before the tidal wave of questions and stories (mostly about food) erupt from the Spence boys. After the first …

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Knee Pain Holding You Back? How RF and Advanced Stem Cell Therapy with Exosomes Can Help

How RF and Advanced Stem Cell Therapy with Exosomes Can Help

Walking, standing and exercising put a lot of strain on our knees. For example, a person that weighs 150 lbs. walking up a flight of stairs will put approximately 500 lbs. of pressure on their knees with each step. Not only is the knee one of the most intricate of …

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Baby “Bloomers” & Personal Trainers: Are You a Perfect Pair?

It’s a new year, which we all universally associate with a fresh start, but are you going about your fitness goals in an out of date fashion? When you go to the gym or embark on a cardiovascular program, weight training, or any physical activity on your own, there are …

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New Year Resolution: Accelerate Your Freedom From Depression

By Khaled Bowarshi, M.D. Traditional treatments for depression like antidepressant medications and talk therapy are facing many challenges. It’s not uncommon for such treatments to be ineffective. It takes what feels like forever to get some response. And off course, medications are associated with frequent side effects. Thanks to Repetitive Transcranial …

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Make 2020 the Year You Finally Treat Your ED the Right Way, With a Restorative Alternative Therapy

By DR. ROBERT LUPO, D.C. Are you going to muddle through the new year with your same old ED symptoms that are only getting worse with time? Most standard medical practitioners will start a man on the “little blue pill,” but this only masks the symptoms of ED and it …

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New Year – New Beginnings – New Satisfaction

It’s 2020 and the New Year inevitably arouses resolutions of change. Most of our initiatives are backed with good intentions but often fall to the wayside; however, when it comes to restoring vaginal health and wellness, there are ways to not only manage your health, stave off or treat disorders, …

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