Wednesday , July 3 2024

South Tampa

Pure Strength and Movement is Dedicated to Keeping You in Elite form Pre and Post Exercise with 6 Basic Cues

Pure South Tampa

Exercise is critical for overall health, but if you are exercising in bad form, meaning your posture is poor, you extend your stomach or your neck is protruding, you can actually do your physical body much more harm than good. For those that try to work out on their own …

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Varicose and Spider Veins Are Not Always Superficial – They Can Pose Significant Health Risks

How Do Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Form? Everyone these days wants to look younger, and live healthier. There are many treatments available to help make this happen, but what can be done about spider veins or varicose veins? And how do they form in the first place? Nearly 80 …

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We Feed People

We Feed People

By Matt Spence The front door hasn’t even closed yet and three sets of feet can be heard running my direction. There is no calm “Mr. Rogersesque “moment of shoe removal before the tidal wave of questions and stories (mostly about food) erupt from the Spence boys. After the first …

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Knee Pain Holding You Back? How RF and Advanced Stem Cell Therapy with Exosomes Can Help

How RF and Advanced Stem Cell Therapy with Exosomes Can Help

Walking, standing and exercising put a lot of strain on our knees. For example, a person that weighs 150 lbs. walking up a flight of stairs will put approximately 500 lbs. of pressure on their knees with each step. Not only is the knee one of the most intricate of …

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Are You Ready to Live Pure?

We want to invite people back into their lives. To purify themselves of habits, relationships, and stressors that no longer serve them. We believe that striving towards physical fitness, happiness, and performance is an integration of the mind, body, and soul. Our small group training programs and personal training options help …

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Orthopaedic Health in the New Year

The start of a new year is always an exciting time. If you are considering making an improvement in your health goals for 2020, congratulations! Not only does exercise help us feel better, improve our cardiovascular fitness and help us maintain a healthy body weight, but it can also help with …

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The Advances in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy are Growing in Recognition New Studies are Showing Remarkable Results for Brain Injury and PTSD

Undersea Oxygen Clinic Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is well known for treating divers with the bends (decompression sickness), as well as wound therapy to facilitate rapid healing, but over the years, numerous studies are showing that HBOT is beneficial for the body and brain on a cellular level for multiple conditions. …

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By Jason Waz, President of Competitive Edge Physical Therapy Heart Scientific Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the latest diagnostic tool used by your Health Professional to identify optimal results for an individual. It gathers vital information on an individual’s heart functions through electronic transfer of the electrical activity of the heart …

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Ending Hunger. Imagine That!

The hunger landscape is changing, affecting more than those living below the poverty line. At Feeding Tampa Bay, the majority of those we serve are hardworking families whose wages are unable to meet or surpass the ever-increasing cost of living. Our hungry neighbors don’t just need a meal, they need access …

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Have You Noticed that Your Eyes are More Hooded and Puffy?

Some people are genetically predisposed to a “hooded” appearance to their upper eyelids, which typically gets worse with age, while others may develop more eye fat-pads later in life due to aging. Eyelid skin loses elasticity just like the skin on the rest of your face. This can happen even …

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