Friday , September 27 2024


Four Tips to Help Make the Most of Telemedicine

Four Tips to Help Make the Most of Telemedicine

By Dr. Mayrene Hernández, chief medical officer, UnitedHealthcare of Florida When health issues arise, people often have to decide where best to seek medical attention, with urgent care and the emergency room being potential destinations. But for more Floridians, their smartphone is now the preferred way to see and talk …

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Cookbooks Are the Cradle of Family Tradition.

Cookbooks Are the Cradle of Family Tradition.

The pages of a cookbook don’t just hold words, they hold a history of family meals. Passed down from generation to generation, the recipes within it dictate a sense of identity among family gatherings. As the words on the page transform into meals shared around a table, a feeling of …

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Take Ownership of Your Health With One of The Nation’s Fastest Growing Companies Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy

Hyper Wellness with Restore

Take Ownership of Your Health There is an incredible trend emerging, people are taking back control of their healthcare. Restore Carrollwood provides you with powerful services that will help you take ownership of your health, wellness, and recovery. Their services have the potential to help you perform at your best, …

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How Intimacy Plays a Role in Your Wellbeing

By DR. ROBERT LUPO, D.C. Most men are known to put off going to the doctor; however, going to a medical provider is crucial for prevention, early diagnosis, successful treatment outcomes, and quality of life. We’ve all heard the statistics that heart disease, lung and prostate cancer are men’s most common …

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Buy Local: CBD Healthcare Company Launches in Tampa Products Offer Higher Concentrations of CBD, Value and Transparency

CBD Healthcare Company Launches in Tampa

Let’s face it: There’s a lot of misinformation in the relatively new CBD industry. Exactly how much CBD is in the product? What concentration of CBD is necessary to be effective? How can you be sure the product is working? “These were our concerns as well, as we began to …

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Don’t Diet: Become a Health-Minded Eater!

By Al Roach Until a few years ago (well, more like 30), I never really worried about what I ate. I’m from the south (meat, potatoes, gravy), and I ate food that tasted good. That was the only criteria. Words like “nutritious food” never really entered my mind or my …

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The Wellness Benefits of Massage: How you can Maximize the Experience

By Robert J Farnell, Licensed Massage Therapist Because the general population is so well informed of health and wellness options, most of us know that massage is not just a leisurely activity that the rich and famous enjoy to pamper themselves, but an actual wellness component to healthy living. Massage helps …

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Painful Disc Herniations: Alternative Treatment Options to Get you Back to Living the Quality of Life You Need

Painful Disc Herniations

Approximately 3 million people each year are diagnosed with disc herniations. When the inside of the spinal disk, which is a soft gel-like substance called nucleus pushes through the vertebrae, this is known as disc herniation. It causes the disc to seep through a crack in the boney exterior (annulus). …

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Weight Loss That Works: Discover The Profile Difference & How DNA Testing Can Help You Finally Lose The Weight & Design Your Lifestyle

Weight Loss That Works

For most individuals, weight loss is often a very long journey with many turns, twists, and bumps in the road. 70 million adults are obese in the U.S., and even more are considered overweight. Being overweight can cause significant health issues. It can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, …

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Should You Take CBD After Your Workout?

Should You Take CBD After Your Workout?

There is a lot of information both anecdotal and scientific that points to CBD as a post-workout supplement. When we exercise, perform in athletic sports and work out aggressively, such as HIIT, running, soccer, and spin classes, we feel the effects the next day due to tiny muscle tears and …

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