Friday , September 27 2024


Slip and Fall Tips

By Charles Etgen Certified Aging in place consultant Falls are the second leading cause of accidents in the home and account for 8.9 million trips to the emergency room every year. Fortunately, most are preventable. With a few simple changes around the house, you can reduce your risk greatly. According …

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We humans, are creatures of habits. Habit get us into automatic ways of behavior and give us an illusion that we control the situation we are in, and a sense stability and security. Many people justify this tendency with a common sense view: “why change something that is working ok?” …

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End Knee Arthritis Pain with FDA Approved Joint Injections

By Physicians Rehabilitation If you have never had joint injections before, you may be wondering how this treatment works and whether it can truly make a difference. Below are answers to three of your most frequently asked questions: How do joint injections work? Our bodies naturally create a solution to …

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Wellness Teas for Your Tummy Troubles

If you are like one of the millions of individuals in our country that suffers from chronic digestive disorders, it’s critical to educate yourself on what might inflame or trigger your condition and also to learn about your treatment options. Those methods should also include, natural remedies. When it comes …

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Weight Loss With OBALON: An Advanc\ed Non-Surgical Balloon Procedure

By Kriston J. Kent, M.D. Losing weight can save your life. Aside from the individuals that need to lose a few superficial pounds to feel more confident, the critical importance of weight loss are for people that qualify as obese. Obesity is much more common, and unfortunately, much more dangerous …

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Is Your High Cholesterol Genetic?

What if high cholesterol was an inherited condition? What would your treatment options be and what would be the best way to lower your cholesterol? Many healthcare providers are beginning to see that cholesterol has a lot to do with genetics and there is debatable information on the proper way to …

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Your Home is Your Castle, Protect it Like One

I know they say time flies when you get older – but really, where has this year gone? We are already well into May with another hurricane season upon us. Hurricane season officially begins June 1st and continues until November 30th. And it’s never too early to prepare. The 2017 hurricane …

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GAINSWave: Treating Men’s Sexual Health

This month’s testimonial is bit different than the others we have done because it concentrates on a subject that is sometimes difficult to discuss – Sexual Wellness. Although it can be an uncomfortable topic for men, it is extremely common. This is especially true for men ages 40-70 years of age. …

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Men’s Health Month: How Men & Women Affect Each Other’s Sexual Health

When it comes to men’s health, we typically discuss conditions like heart disease and prostate cancer, but there is one issue that gets put on the back burner and chalked up to a “normal” issue more often than not. Sexual dysfunction in relationship causes men and women a great deal of …

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What You Should KNOW About How Stress Affects the Heart

Some individuals have a difficult time finding ways to manage stress. The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us to better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry and the decision to take flight or to fight. There are neurotransmitters throughout the entire body that send signals to the …

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