Friday , September 27 2024



The most important piece of advice I can give members of the motoring public is to purchase uninsured motorist coverage if you have not already done so! Florida law requires hardly any automobile insurance. All that is required is $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (P.I.P.) coverage and $10,000 of Property …

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Lupus Awareness Month

Five million people worldwide, and every year 16,000 new cases are reported. Dr. Dariano, D.O. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, and like all other autoimmune related conditions, it causes the cells in the body to attack itself. In the case of Lupus, it causes the body to attack its joints, …

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Rediscovering The Power of Nature’s Medical Miracle CBD Oil

The art and science of healing with medical plants is as old as mankind itself. Awareness of medicinal plants usage is a result of the many years of struggles against illness in which man learned to pursue remedies in barks, seeds, fruit stems, and other parts of the plants. With the …

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Commonly Referred to as a Silent Killer: High Blood Pressure Should Be Treated

Did you know that after the age of twenty the vascular system begins to accumulate plaque? Tiny plaque deposits can embed themselves into our delicate vascular structures throughout our entire bodies. Over time, the sticky plaque can mount up and cause hardening of the arteries, block oxygen- rich blood from reaching …

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PEMF THERAPY to Unlock Complex Conditions

PEMF therapy ‘clears a path’ to the cells by blocking the things that could prevent Functional Medicine remedy from getting into the cells. It does that by decreasing inflammation and increasing circulation, which allows the remedy to make its way to the cells. It then opens up the cell’s membrane …

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Working Though Grief and the Loss of a Pet

By Hospice of Marion County Animals have become part of our lives today unlike in the distant past. We allow them to sleep in our homes (or even in our beds), we buy them special toys and food, we pamper them with play dates and day spas. . .and it goes …

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The Road to Brain Injury Recovery with Omega-3 Fish Oil

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD One year ago, my family was in an uproar. A close family member needed brain surgery, which was scary enough. Then, a week after this major procedure, he contracted a life threatening form of bacterial meningitis. I visited him many times as he fought for his life …

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Digestion and Tea

Our digestive system is essentially what keeps our bodies fueled and running smoothly. The digestive system is the main track that food and drinks follow from the mouth, down the gastrointestinal track (GI), and are then released in the form of waste. The digestive system allows for the nourishment of our …

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Mental Health and Heart Disease

T.E. Vallabhan, MD, FACC Commonly reported, stress levels, anxiety, depression, and our overall emotional state has a significant impact on our health.  From physical pain, appetite changes, suicidal thoughts to our vascular health, the way we deal with and treat mental disorders are critical on our long-standing wellness. How Our Mental …

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CBD: Multiple Health Benefits From Nature

CBD (cannabidiol) is also a viable alternative for many patients wanting the healing properties of cannabis and its potent antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects without the strict regulations of industrial hemp, AND without the psychoactive, mind-altering effects of THC. CBD is known to bind to receptors and is thought to regenerate …

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