Friday , September 27 2024


God Our Father – A Father’s Day Tribute

By Ross Johnson, Lead Pastor, Gathering Pointe Church Growing up, I idolized my dad.  He was a man’s man. He was hard working, working two jobs for many years of my childhood. He is a Vietnam Vet having served two tours, awarded a Purple Heart and Uncommon Valor.  His hands, scarred …

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Benefits of Home Health Care

It has been proven that home health care is good medicine and that’s why CareTime is committed to providing high quality, consistent and compassionate personal and health care services in the home. Being with family and friends in familiar surroundings has a positive effect on patients recovering from illness or …

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Early Detection a Cause We Take Personally

No matter who you are, breast cancer can impact your life. Whether it affects you or a loved one, it can be a shocking diagnosis, even for those with inside knowledge of how common it is, and how important the need for early detection. Just ask Yvonne and Michele, two …

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There is a direct link between our health and the way that our skincare products are produced and absorbed.  That’s why Be Well Holistic Massage Wellness Center takes organic treatments to a higher standard.  Be Well is dedicated to providing a true organic healing experience.  From the sheets to the oils, …

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Why You Still Have Hypothyroid Symptoms When All Your Lab Tests Are Normal

Over 20 million Americans continue to suffer with low or hypothyroid symptoms even though they medicate appropriately and have normal test results. The reason why? Most doctors only treat the medical problem and ignore the Functional problem! Hypothyroid Symptoms may include: Fatigue, Unexpected Weight Gain, Thinning Hair, Dry/Brittle Hair, Skin …

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It's Cool to Eliminate Stubborn Fat

Eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy body weight are important for a balanced and active lifestyle. However, many individuals who are at or close to their ideal weight discover that even with adherence to a strict diet and exercise routine, stubborn pockets of fat remain. Often located …

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SUZANNE MARGOLIS – GRAY, M.ED., LMT, CT June is Home Safety Month. What is your most important home? YOUR BODY!! You live in it 24/7. How safe are you keeping it? How is the plumbing working in your body (home)? Yes, I am talking about YOUR GUT, commonly known as …

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Dizziness and Vertigo Should Not Be Ignored

At least 50% of the U.S. population will develop a balance issue at some point in their lives.  Balance disorders are common in the aging population, between 50 and 75, and are usually related to disruptions in the inner ear. Patients suffering from vestibular related disorders frequently experience vertigo, dizziness, …

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The Warning Signals of a Cough That You Should NEVER Ignore

Dr. Poonam Warman, MD If you are experiencing a chronic cough that is lingering, you need to take an active approach and seek medical attention.  It’s better to catch diseases early or to give yourself peace of mind in knowing that it may just simply be a cough, but many times …

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Cataract Surgery A Quick Procedure To Restore & Preserve Vision

Blurred or dimmed vision, muted colors, sensitivity to light, haloing of headlamps and lampposts at night – all of these are symptoms of cataracts, a condition that causes a clouding of the naturally-clear lens of the eye. Cataracts can be congenital, meaning they can occur at any age, but most …

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