Friday , September 27 2024


Treat & Prevent Diabetes with Exercise

Many studies have proven that diabetes can effectively be treated and even prevented with regular exercise. We are all aware of the numerous health benefits of exercise but the one that could have the greatest impact on the healthcare system is the prevention and relief of diabetes. With the soaring …

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EXPERIENCE THE VISI DIFFERENCE – By Diana Dyer, ARNP – Does the secret to weight loss reside in Scandinavia? And does that very secret lead to the dissolving of belly fat, or visceral fat as it is referred to? These questions come to light and shed answers for many as VISI …

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Spotlight on Comprehensive Vein Center

Comprehensive Vein Center (CVC) is a medical practice dedicated to the treatment of vein disease management only. CVC was established in 2008, by Owners Tom Tran PA-C, MPAs and Michael Richards PA-C, MPAs with supervising physician Anthony Alatriste MD. With over 30 years experience between them the practice has grown …

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Protect Your Skin From Aging, Dark Spots & Cancer

By Ashraf M. Hassanein, MD, Ph D – Who thinks about sun protection in the cooler winter months? Sunlight, specifically UV radiation, is the Number #1 cause of skin cancer as well as unsightly wrinkles, age spots, thinning, more fragile skin. In short, excessive sun exposure is the main culprit …

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Tired of Walking on Rocks? Outpatient Procedure Relieves Pain

By Richard S. Benjamin, DPM – Do you feel like you are walking on raw bones or rocks? Have you tried inserts, padding, and countless new shoes only to continue to walk in pain? Do you want artificial fillers like liquid silicone which have been linked to auto immune diseases, …

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Understanding Pelvic Prolapse

By Uzoma Nwaubani, MD, FACOG The problem of female incontinence and female Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is as old as humanity itself. Sadly, however, it remains hugely under reported. Just the fact that one is of the female gender is in itself a risk factor. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, …

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Connection Between Alcohol Use and Cancer

By South Lake Gastroenterology – Most people know that heavy alcohol use can cause health problems. But many people may not be aware that alcohol use can increase their risk of cancer. Alcohol is a known cause of cancers of the: Mouth Throat (pharynx) Voice box (larynx) Esophagus Liver Colon …

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Mixing Medicines Can Create Unexpected Side Effects

Recent studies estimate that more than 80 percent of adults 57 and older take at least one prescription drug a day. drug a day. Among those, nearly half mix drugs with over-the-counter medications and supplements. Which leads to an alarming statistic of one in 25 could be setting themselves up …

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Detecting Diabetes in the Dental Chair

By Village Dental – More than 26 million U.S. adults have diabetes. However, as much as 20 percent of these cases go undiagnosed, according to the American Diabetes Association. Allowing the condition to progress untreated may lead to a lower quality of life and other health complications. Oral complications are …

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Diabetes & Hearing

By James M. Davenport, Au.D. – Lake County Hearing & Balance Clinic – Certain medical illnesses or conditions can predispose individuals to hearing impairment. The natural aging process being the largest factor however certain illnesses and lifestyle choices can also contribute to the onset of hearing impairment. Among them are …

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