Wednesday , July 3 2024


With Inner Engineering – Reducing Stress Isn't As Hard As You Think

Stressed out? If so, you’re not alone; the American Psychological Society reports that almost a quarter of adults in the U.S. are under extreme stress. The silver lining is that finding your way out—transmuting your stress into happiness; pain into peace—may be easier than you think. Perhaps you have explored methods …

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The Very Greatest: The Final Fight of Muhammed Ali and the Future of Stem Cell Therapy for COPD

There isn’t much debate when it comes to the legacy of Muhammed Ali. He was, as he often claimed, “the greatest” boxer of his era, winning his first Olympic Gold medal at the age of 18. And, he was a rebel too. As a civil rights vanguard, he blatantly refused …

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What Exactly Is Omega-3?

By BO MARTINSEN, MD When I started giving lectures about omega-3 for physicians 15 years ago, few health care providers had heard about these molecules. Some doctors thought I was preaching voodoo medicine, while others politely thanked me for sharing the information. Today, the situation is quite different. The majority …

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Not only is society and the media less apprehensive to talk about vaginal health issues, but advancements in medical technology are helping countless women who have been suffering for years – mostly in silence.  Indeed, you can’t watch television these days without a spokeswomen talking about such things as leakage, dryness, …

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Compression Devices: Effective Treatment for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – Pneumatic compression devices are one of the most highly recommended treatments for limb swelling and are a Medicare approved treatment option. Dating back to the 1960’s pneumatic compression pumps have been used for the treatment of limb swelling due to acute and chronic conditions. In most …

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Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Varicose veins are raised, swollen, twisting veins that bulge visibly beneath the skin. Varicose veins are common, affecting roughly 20% – or one in five – American adults. The causes are many, including age, heredity, standing regularly for long hours, being overweight, hormonal changes, a history of blood clots, abdomen-straining conditions …

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Treating Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus with Shunt

Each year, about 70,000 patients are diagnosed with hydrocephalus, commonly known as “water on the brain.” It can be a congenital condition, that is, one can be born with it, but in adults hydrocephalus is usually the result of injury or trauma to the brain, such as with a concussion or …

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Helping Patients Stay Hydrated While Losing Weight

By Dr. Dean Lombardo – LIVE LEAN! Let’s face it—chronic low-grade dehydration is a big problem in the United States. It is especially a problem when patients are trying to lose weight. You may not be aware, but studies show that, at any given time, between 20 to 35% of …

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Your Happiness – What is the Cost?

Have you ever taken a moment to observe a child playing? With an empty box, or a metal pot, or some water and dirt they can create an adventure. They are naturally joyous. As we grow up, the cost of our happiness increases. We may route our happiness through earning …

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Stop looking for that restroom!

It’s a subject that most women find embarrassing. Urinary incontinence. No one is talking about it, so they think they’re alone. That their situation is unique. But if you were the only one suffering – why would there be so many TV commercials for products like Depends and Poise pads? More …

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