Friday , September 27 2024


Innovative Therapies Group: Get Back to Playing Golf & Break Free From Pain

When your golf swing is lacking, it may be because of underlying mobility issues that are actually affecting your entire body. Whether impinged muscles, injury, stiffness or pain are limiting your range-of-motion, physical therapy will not only get you out of pain but can improve your golf game by increasing …

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Hot Summer Temperatures: Beat the Heat with ONE HD Hydration (Hemp Infused Water)

With weather approaching the upper 90’s and on some days, triple digits, the heat can be unbearable at times and downright dangerous, this is particularly the case when we factor in high levels of humidity. Our bodies self-regulate heat by sweating and also through radiating heat back into the atmosphere. …

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Urologist Uses Humor to Ease Those Embarrassing Moments

Michael D’Angelo, M.D., Makes His Patients Feel Comfortable With Procedures Michael F. D’Angelo, MD, a robotic-trained, board-certified Urologist, is known for his sense of humor and helping to make patients feel comfortable, especially when discussing sensitive medical issues. Dr. D’Angelo also believes in providing the highest quality of care to …

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Skinade – The New Fountain of Youth?

What happens as we age? Fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin combined with a natural decline in the body’s ability to regenerate new cells, are all visible signs of aging. Over the past decade, intensive research into skin aging has shown that the major differentiator between youthful and aging skin …

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Pain Medication

According to the statistics we as a nation are undoubtedly ensnarled in a malevolent tide of Narcotic dependence and abuse and it is irrefutable that this affliction must be controlled, curtailed and treated. However, in the unrelenting efforts to stem this tide of abuse and stay within the purview of …

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Diabetes & Hearing Loss: What You Need to Know

Kevin T. Barlow, Au.D. You’re probably aware of hearing loss and diabetes – both common public-health challenges – but did you know these two conditions can go hand in hand? Hearing loss is more than doubly prevalent among those with diabetes, offering yet another reason to stay atop your regular …

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A New Era for Bunion Corrections Making Bunions a thing of the past with this game changing surgical procedure

A form of arthritis can cause painful, red, boney, growths; consequently, bunions can also be hereditary and run in families, especially in females, generation after generation. More women than men experience the painful boney growth on their big toe, known as a bunion, or Hallux Valgus. One of the leading …

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Lakeland Regional Health Selects Reliance Medical Centers For New Initiative In Delivering Exceptional Value-Based Care For Breast Cancer Patients

The concept of value-based care was first made known in 2006 in a book published by Michael Porter titled “Redefining the Healthcare System.” Since then, value-based care programs have been introduced across the country; however, the challenge lies with healthcare providers. There are still many healthcare providers who have not …

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One of the hardest things to accept in life is the changes we experience as we get older – and it is not only scary for the person experiencing these changes, but it’s hard to measure the damage done to those closest to the person affected. We’ve already touched on …

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Micropigmentation: the alternative choice that delivers cosmetic results when everything else fails Alopecia treatment

(Part I) What exactly is alopecia? Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss that might be related to natural causes (generally due to hereditary factors and aging), or to a medical disorder (specific diseases or medication intake). Regardless of the cause, alopecia is a condition that has cosmetic consequences …

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